Hey everybody, It occurs to me that while not everyone in this hobby customizes or produces their own, there is a significantly large percentage that does. It would be useful to have a dedicated place on the board to talk shop and discuss pros and cons of various paints, techniques, and other such things. Things like Rich's tutorial on V-Color are invaluable, and it would be great to pull the strings as it were and consolidate things like that to a particular forum. How about it, Mods?
Yeah, that is... um... a puzzler. There is an actual entire subsection dedicated only to customs. Right there on the front page. And you are already on a single forum, so if you are asking for someone else to create another one, then I am just not even sure. Also, could any mods reading this see about maybe putting a section for older toys? Like, a lot of people buy stuff from new makers on here, but I think some people might be into stuff that was made the olden times, like the '70s. And junk.
As ultrakaiju mentioned, there already is: http://www.skullbrain.org/bb/viewforum.php?f=19 Since you referenced Rich's tutorial wouldn't that imply you must already know that? Are you asking for a whole new website? That would require a lot of maintenance and dedication and I don't see much incentive for the Super7 team or the SB Mods to make that happen seeing as the Custom Toys section here isn't all that active to begin with.