Hey Kirby, Just saw this on VP: http://www.vinylpulse.com/2009/02/lake- ... .html#more Looks awesome! When does it drop?
We'll be showing one of the first pull vinyls at Wondercon starting Friday. First release is probably 6-8 weeks away...something like that. Don't want to rush it.
Ya! Good going Kirby. I saw this the other day and will be excited for the release. It said painted in the US. Are you taking a crack at it yourself?
Yep. We're giving it a shot. If it turns out I completely suck I'll probably recruit some friends with more experience. Hopefully I'll be good at it though....this project really is just for fun so I was hoping to be real hands on with it.
Oh wow! I didn't realize that you were going to be hands on in the painting/ production. That's awesome!
Got to play w/ this guy today at Wondercon and must say it rules hard!!!! There was some lit that had a picture of a green one on it as well. I really want to paint one of these myself, but the blank proto rules!!!!
Thanks Lee...really appreciate the kind words and glad you're digging it. Wow, I haven't even had a chance to see it in person yet...I'm so jealous! I'll be there early tomorrow afternoon.
Whitney came over to talk to Glenn & I at the Super7 booth so I took the opportunity to follow her back to your booth so I could pester the crap outta' her w/ Q's. She was too good and all I managed to learn was that a box of multiple colors (yea!!!!!) was at the hotel. Not how many colors, or which colors, and more importantly not which hotel or what room, how far off the ground would you have to climb to see in the window etc. <sigh>
Nope, they were not for sale at Wondercon. We just had some first pull unpainted vinyl that we were showing off....first release is still coming at some point in the next couple months probably. We just ok'ed the vinyl and it should be getting pulled now. Exciting! Thanks everyone who came by the booth and gave us feedback. This project is definitely a labor of love for us and I'm personally really glad people are digging it.
I finally was able to make it out to Roto and see this figure in the flesh. It is an awesome chunky piece of vinyl! I can wait to see the finished product!
I got to see this guy at WonderCon a few months ago. It's really nice. I've asked Kirby if they're going to do some blanks for painters....maybe Roto should have a small show with these guys and have guys like Lee, PK, and LASH paint some up.
Photos of the first release posted on the blog now...we haven't nailed down the date, but it should be pretty darn soon.
This one's really great, I can't wait for the release. And yeah...blanks for painters would make for some amazing customs, the sculpt is perfect for it.
How big is it? Do you have an example at the store? I'm visiting Chicago this weekend and am coming to the store on Sat.