If I could make mixed part bosses, you would have more than you need Carl(or at least 1). I posted this on the "monster drawing" thread, but it might get more eyes on it here. drawing and finished piece, 100% digital:
IMHO this is so great. Its what I imagne Gamera would be like in the Batman anaimated universe....and the tiny buildings add a sense of enormity...
Curious, but would any LASKers wanna see a how-to resin event? Was thinking it might be cool to organize a resin show based around an artist how-to event... Personally I don't collect resin, so it's one reason why I'd be interested in doing something like this to possibly learn to appreciate resin figure making. I have always felt the key to artist awareness and support is through arts education. If you can learn the process and the work involved in what the artist does, then you tend to grow an appreciation for it (even if you don't always fancy the work itself) and with appreciation (tends to) come(s) support and even collecting the artists work. Just curious gang.
Amanda Visell held a resin how-to workshop a couple of years ago at her studio. The teacher was Kazu (aka Itokin Park) who is a master with resins. Attendees got to bring their own item to make a silicone mold of and also make a few to take home. Super experience.
I would demo how I make molds and cast parts for anyone that is interested. I'm usually in LA around D-Con. I would need to borrow some equipment and supplies. Not only is it good to know if you want to make resin figures but also good to know if you want to make prototypes for factories without sending your master sculpture.
Im super down and know some non boardies that would be down. Cool people that are studying toy design. How is this going to happen? I have done something in resin butc watching a pro would be awesome.
There's such a thing? Wouldn't it be character design? Toy design sounds like something in lieu of R&D for fisher-price or something of that nature.
Yeah theres only two colleges in the states that offer it. Im at Otis in Los Angeles. They teach us a lot of different methods of toy making, R and D, casting, molding, sculpting, model making, sewing, and CAD subjects. I have been doing casting a design before I got there, non-related to production toys.
I loathe "art" schools EDIT: And anyone who attends one or has attend one cannot attend any LASK events. FACT!
^I went to a state school but majored in art(animation/illustration to be specific) so I'm out. I'll be starting LAASSK(LA Art School Skull Krew). Get in now if you want to be OG to this hip new club. Plus it sounds cooler when you say it because of the drawn out A and S. We don't have an awesome logo yet, but with a bunch of artists we will get 1 eventually. I won't out anyone else that I know went to art school.
Sorry, but LA already has the one and only amazing art crew, there is really no sense trying to compete. No one really wants to be second banana.