So about 20 years ago I did artwork for a graphic design class, it was a girl (that I was dating) in B&W, vectored in Illustrator. The design was put on the internet about 10 years after that. Today scrolling through YJA I find my art on a bearbrick box. I'm going to do some digging to find the original inked copy, before I go calling companies out by name, but it's an exact copy. The weird thing is, I always thought if it happened to me I'd be flattered, but I'm kind of the opposite right now. It really gives me a better understanding of why most artists hate their work being customized, or their worlds being reproduced. So this rant will end in a kind of whatever question about licensed characters and reproducing them. What are your thoughts on adding your own spin/take to artists creations, and what is taking things too far, and what is our obligation to the creators of the toys we love. (FWIW the art in question is a pixel for pixel copy). Also I feel like this is exactly why it's a great idea for artists to attach an NFT to a toy or physical copy of artwork. I'm not talking about the craze of speculating on digital artwork, but I am saying it's worth it, for the 2 or 3 dollars it costs to make an NFT, for artists to always receive a cut of the sale/use of their art. I know there are naysayers, but it would be nice to never have to doubt the provenance when buying a toy, (or selling one for 5k). The guys that just bought the fake nags at auction for 15k come to mind. I prob should have put this in Whatever, but I've been reading a lot about the old RxH and Tkom custom debates, and this all felt relative.