Exactly this. I think most people had the same opinion about the 3 venues. 1 of the main things I noticed was the size. The number of vendors shrank down a bit and it brought focus back to toys. The layout was clean and better organized too. Most similar vendors were near each other. Dcon should do a solid for their vendors and just ask more specifically what they'll be selling.
I never experienced the Pasadena era. This show was good for us. It feels like it's going to take another year for Las Vegas to catch up to what it was in Anaheim. I really didn't like the area, though. Vegas isn't my kind of place. Next time around I will be flying in the day before and flying out the day after.
I don't know, I like standing in line for an hour to scan a QR code for the lottery the next day because no one felt it was necessary to tell anyone in line that was the deal.
Yep! Pretty nifty fella. I remember the Sunguts booth selling out pretty early on last year, but a couple major pieces lingered until the end of Saturday. (megladon went quick though)
Uggh, I just snagged the recent max toy release on yja and now have to put another one on the hit list.
Expanding on this, I think it should be said out loud some of the sketchy shit that was relayed to me about 3D Retro and their handling of Headlock. Apparently Ben and Alex opened up as many of the mini blindboxes as needed to ensure themselves full sets, and were auctioning off duplicate chases to the crowd(openly or secretly, I don’t know). Each figure was $60 more than what Ken charges, though there could’ve been a mutual reasoning for this. Additionally, each lotto entry was charged $9 for handling, or whatever, upon completing the third party entry form. Each lotto winner was supposed to only choose one figure, but some were seen buying upwards of three. I declined entering after all of this was known. Post DCon 3D Retro posted a story that they’d be auctioning held back Headlock figures on Pop Shop Live, but the story was promptly removed and something said to Ben by Kevin of 3DR and Ken himself. Shady shit in toys is pretty commonplace lately, but I think it’s worth noting that dude that runs DCon doing shit like this to pocket bunches of monies is gross. He auctioned off upwards of 10 held back Labubu figures between $500 and $1K each, and supposedly done the same with Punk Drunker figures a couple years ago. If the artists themselves are getting kickbacks from this I’m all for it. So if there’s info pertaining to that detail I’d love to have it thrown in the mix. Otherwise, pfft.
Yes. But how can we monetize the dollies for maximum profit. Nobody has answered this question about the assets.
DCON was pretty great and maybe my favorite DCON ever. Flow was great, good vendors, yadda yadda. Only real complaints were having to line up outside and.... I love Headlock but that whole situation was a shit show in just about every way. I feel America has gotten the short end of the stick with Headlock the last year or so with lottos that aren't even open and this DCON was just scraps from a previous show. MVH collabs have been readily available to those who put in the effort but everything else has been slim picking which kind of sucks. I have a nice little Headlock collection that I was picking up pretty consistently and that has just dried up entirely. I hope Ken makes it to the States for a show or at least gives US buyers some more opportunities to pick stuff up. That Dr. Blood is SO DAMN GOOD and was one of my top wants at the show. Finding out they had a whopping 1 of them was a disappointment.
Sofvi Tokyo's first installment of their DesignerCon coverage is up, including an appearance by @datadub : https://sofvi.tokyo/ebisawakiyomi-sofvimichi-d-con-1e/
Damn dude thats rad! Thats going to be a fun time. "I hate Mandarake and Bwana." <thats a no-brainer.