Suh-weet! Earth are playing at The Bottom Lounge: at the end of the month! I'll probably head out to this. Not sure who else is on the roster yet though. I got the info out of the reader, the new Bottom Lounge website doesn't have any info except the address.
If you go, give us a report! I've never seen them, but would expect it to be a "moving" experience---I'd imagine that your ribcage might be buzzing for a day or two afterward... I picked up Earth 2 by pure luck (it called out to me, I think) around the time it was released, and for several years it served as a good extermination tool in the dump I was living in...turn it up good and loud and anything smaller than a big cat would just evaporate...
you betcha! I will soak it up in all its electron-evaporating glory lol! This will be my forst time too. I really don't know too much about them, other than the stuff I have seen on Youtube. I found out about them from digging through Sunn and Boris shows and the like... Their stuff seems really cool.
amazing live band, though the new material is way more...ummm....musical? all you need to know is that without them, Sunn and Boris wouldn't exist.
I am very much looking forward to this. My buddy and I actually flew out to the Pacific Northwest last fall and got to see Earth play with Sunn O))) and Wolves in the Throne Room in a small theatre in Olympia, WA. They were great then and I'm sure they will be great at the lounge. You can get advance tickets through ticketweb and don't forget that Boris are playing Pitchfork in July.
OK, just in case anyone was thinking of going to this show, it has been moved to The Note on Milwaukee Ave, Wicker Park, opposite Double Door.
I might go. I'm not totally sold on their direction the last couple albums (though the new one has gorgeous packaging, and Bill Frisell, who sounds right at home). But there's no disputing the awesomeness of early Earth.
Well I guess I have no excuse now as this is within walking distance for me. Will there be tickets at the door do you think? I've never been to this venue.
I'll be buying my tickets on the door, so I really hope that there will be some left lol! Let us sally forth to the bar and indulge in a beverage!
had a good ol time at the show with all the chunky sounds and pbr. only saw one of you dudes there, chris, though i thought at first you were one of my old buddies from college. i blame the doom... and pbr. good times. and i'm not even THAT retarded today.
I didn't get chance to post too long before the show, so I didn't get chance to meet up with you guys I spent most of the show standing my the merch table. What did you guys think of the opening act, Helen Money, was it?
I ended up going. Good show, though I wish the floor had been full of sofas & lounge chairs! I liked the opener. She's got some work to do, but she sounded good and didn't come across as gimmicky or anything.
yarg! I don't remember that, and I only had 2 glasses of Newcastle! lol! Yeah, Helen seemed pretty good, very odd style, but strangely beguiling. I'm pretty new to this style of music (what do you even call it??)