Are you referring to what they were based on? If that's the case then these guys. Mandarake gets them in periodically. I think a few members have some but they are very brittle and easily fall about.
Thanks Bryce! Yep, those are the ones. I thought Gargamel had simply switched a Microman head for a skull and that was it but then I came across those... Are they actually part of the Microman pantheon and Gargamel licensed them? Or did two companies have the same idea? Who makes the other ones, actually? I somehow assumed they were standard size but... Are they? Not sofubi then? Cheap plastic? Questions, questions...
If you do a google image search of ドクロマン several of them come up. You might find some info as to the origin. I've clicked on several and nothing yet. This site maybe.
Cheap plastic and action figure sized. You can probably find all the info you need on the thread below but if not feel free to throw any extra questions my way: viewtopic.php?t=18868
On my want list, but was never for sale however I found an cool old pic of it I had saved from somewhere. Chrome Dokuroman... I really wish that was a regular release!
this was a great read through history! such depth of information. thanks for bringing it back to the surface.
Oh and what are the smaller versions in the foreground of your picture Adam? Not the bootlegs we were talking about earlier? I somehow thought those were bigger... +It appears there might be a clear micro with blue guts as well...
Yes, the smaller one with the red chest paint is a vintage Dokuroman and the guy in front of him I think is a Denshi Kaizo Ningen but I've never seen an all clear one before and it's a bit blurry, similar styled guy though. They are only vintage action figure sized. I saw that picture but has any more info surfaced on it? If so I need to go on the hunt!
Added a Cyclopsmicro section to the checklist, and added some updates. I'm still missing the SDCC's from this year so once I get my hands on them I'll add those pics as well. Here are a few pics of a custom that I posted on the micro section previously but should have shown here as well:
Crap. Chrome!? Was that at Thrashout or something. And hte otehr opaque one. Looks more like "flesh" than yellow. any word on that one? Another testshot?
Yep those are testshots that were in the Thrashout archives. There is also a red with yellow paint Dokuro that looks amazing. I've also seen some other clear and unpainted Microman guys as well. The only things I'm missing right now from Gargamel Dokuroman is the bracelet but I don't expect to find one of those anytime soon.
I got this in the mail today, an original store display card: Not vinyl but given the subject of the thread I thought everyone would like to see!
I received a beautiful set of gifts. Clear dark green Dokuroman and Cycloman. As far as I know these have not had an actual release: