There's a chance we won't get the LBs until Saturday now (or they could still come on Friday)....everyone still want to get together for a couple drinks anyway?
... friday is the missus' birthday. we're planning our big night out on saturday, so dinner with the in-laws is now in flux between friday night and sunday night. so i may miss out after all.
I may or may not... If the bags arrive Friday, I'll be there for sure. If they don't arrive Friday, it will depend on Brian's mood that day... I was originally planning to drive down to the city, hang out and trade with you guys for a bit (about an hour), then drive back up to Gurnee to pick Brian up, and then go to the birthday party thing (not even sure where that will be at yet, they are very "last minute" kind of people, lol). So if the bags aren't there, I'll be there if Brian will come with to hang out with you guys. That way we can go straight to the birthday thing afterwards. He is a giant hermit crab, so we shall see if he'll want to go down to the city that day or not. Hmmmm... Maybe if I'll spike his soda with vodka he'll be more compliant and willing to go???
Either way, I'll be here if anyone wants to show up. I'll update this thread and try to let everyone know if we'll have the LBs on Friday or not.
So what's the deal? We doing this lucky bags or no? I'm totally down, I just need to know because I was going to come straight from work.
I'm guessing that Kirby will let us know after the mail shows up. If the bags show up today, it's on. If they don't, people might just get together to hang out. I'm hoping the bags will show, but at the same time, I'm not looking forward to driving such a distance in what might be a blizzard today.. If the bags do show, I really hope the driving conditions won't be bad/dangerous...
Eh, the bags are no big deal to me, I just wanted to know if we were going to get together for drinks and fun.
Yeah, what Virginia said. I'll update later today once we either A) get the LBs or B) get the mail, but no LBs. Either way, I'll be at the store at 7 and if anyone shows up, I'm more than willing to head over to Delilah's and socialize for a bit...snowstorm or not!
Due to snow and such, they've postponed the birthday thing till tomorrow.. Soooo... I'm REALLY hoping that the bags arrive today! But I'm also seriously hoping that the driving conditions won't be dangerous.. Anyways, hope to see everyone tonight!
Package delivery for the day has come and no Lucky they'll likely arrive tomorrow. I'll still be here if anyone wants to have a meet up and drown their tears in beers, but it will be without lucky bags for tonight at least. I don't plan on being at the store Saturday, but I'll still post a note as soon as I find out they've been delivered. If you've already let me know you intend to buy an LB, I'll have one held for you. Can someone text Minh and let him know? I don't have his number.
Sorry to hear that Kirby. Should we postpone the trading party then? We can still pick up and purchase the lb's tomorrow (or whenever they come in), but maybe we should hold onto the figures for another day when we can all meet up again and have that trading party? It just sounded like it would have been a really fun time trading our bags and such. As far as coming out today, I might not (depends on the weather). If I lived closer, I wouldn't think twice about it. I would love to just come out and hang out, but I'm not a big fan of driving in the snow.. Way too many people don't know how to drive carefully in this weather and cause accidents. I will however keep my eye out on the weather reports and see if the snow will let up. If I don't see you guys today, have fun and hopefully we can get together again soon! Maybe even next weekend or even during the week?
Texted Minh already, he said "I am gonna try to make the Roto meet up" so that means 99% no. I'll be there though, anyone else showing up? Is it just going to be me and the Roto gang?
maybe an early weekday evening this coming week or just offset a week until next weekend? to revisit the original plan, it would be a real hoot to do a kaiju brunch. i just said hoot.
No news yet. No worries though, he'll hold them for those if us who asked. Kirby and Whitney won't be at Roto over the weekend, they're busy with family who came in out of town. If Kirby will have any extra time, he'll probably call Roto to find out if the bags arrived and then let us know in this thread. But they're probably busy, so no need to worry. We'll get the lucky bags sooner or later. If not today or tomorrow, I'm sure we'll know and get them by Monday.
OK...turns out the LBs made it today after all.... You guys can pick 'em up tomorrow if you'd like. Thanks!
Lol, cool beans. I'll try to come by tomorrow, if not then Monday for sure! Anyone still up for having a lucky bag trade fest a different day?