rides again

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by glitchpop, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. glitchpop

    glitchpop Toy Prince is finally up. YAY! 8)

    So know you too can purchase original resin gelatinous3s and other goodies as they become available right off the site. :D

    If you would like something I can offer RFSO deals
    ;) I have met cool people here and I would like to reciprocate in toys. So email me. Details are on the site.


  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    sorry, i just don't get it. it looks like a prank that you would put in someones soda.
  3. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    "Add one to your bag of holding." That is just too wonderfully geeky. Great job on the website, as well- functional with a nice, unified theme.

    I want one... but which one? :?
  4. glitchpop

    glitchpop Toy Prince

    huh? :? why would you put a toy in someones soda?

    akum6n. Thank-you. Just let me know :D
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    just curious.. what makes it a toy?
  6. glitchpop

    glitchpop Toy Prince

    You can play with it.


    If you are asking what the origin of the toy is that's another story.

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