in the AM:

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by living dead, Jan 1, 2008.

  1. wizeguy

    wizeguy Side Dealer

    Where are you guys seeing that this was already sold or is sold out? It hasn't even been put on the SxB site yet and I have not seen any on YJA???
  2. silent killer

    silent killer Line of Credit

    i havent even checked im going on what this thread says : ) well except iv been checking SB but... nothing
  3. bigstar13

    bigstar13 Line of Credit

    :x This year is off to a shaky start for me score-wise...Fingers crossed for the RxH minis!
  4. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    I count 4 on yja right now.

    Been up almost all day with nary a bid.

    Prices are not pretty, however word is still out on the release size.

    I believe it is a Pushead/Japan exclusive, as I have had confirmation that s7 will not be getting this one.

    Then there's always the chance pusfan might release some as well.

    What to do; what to do???

    Shaky times indeed.
  5. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    Yesterday was their reopening after for the New Year.
    He was sold yesterday at close to $100 each.
    I'm not sure if he sold out in shop or not and I don't know how many were released.
    But I do know he was sold yesterday.
  6. Collin Shots

    Collin Shots Side Dealer

    If anyone can get an extra hit me up, don't own any pirates yet but would love to make this my first and first toy of the new year

  7. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp


    I KnOw you have some mindbending ones up your sleeve!!! :evil:

  8. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Also, I shot an email off to sb last night, just in case.

    I will post here if I hear anything.
  9. wizeguy

    wizeguy Side Dealer

  10. baronacasino

    baronacasino Comment King

    damn i need the skullcaptain. do you guys think anyone would trade one for a sealed white usugrow rebel ink?
  11. silent killer

    silent killer Line of Credit

    someone probobly would...? id imagine theyr similar in availability, throw it in the trade/want section...
  12. SAMBA

    SAMBA Comment King

    $270 BIN not includind middle man fees-

    What a fucking joke.

    I feel that SB doesnt appriciate its western fan base- that is if this is the only way the captain was released-

    I still think more will show up and youll be able to pick them up on Egay in a couple of weeks for $150.

    Everyone goes nuts and scrables for the new release when it just drops-

    Im definatly playing the long game here. :D
  13. Slack

    Slack Mini Boss

    I don't know but you should post that in the wanted or trade bait forums and not here

    thank you, drive thru
  14. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    S7 will not get these, but Pushead always manages a way to get these to his fans. I have no inside info on this one, so I do not know anything one way or another, but if past history was any should know what to do.
  15. silent killer

    silent killer Line of Credit

    pay now or pay more later?
  16. Hank

    Hank Mini Boss

    Sadly davidfuck6969 is already at it. Almost $200.

    Looks like the price jump has already happened. :cry:
  17. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    His retail was right around $100 in Japan and I'm sure more in the US. I'm not defending this seller in any way, but his price sure beats the hell out of yja. I'm just saying. If this one sells and then he sells another one for $250 that's when you really call him out.
  18. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    I thought that after the Usugrow black and white 'Inks that S7 was suppose to get everything Secret Base that wasn't slated to be another stores exclusive. Is the painted Captain exclusive to another store?
  19. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    I'm not sure, but I think Pushead figures in general are exclusive to Japan?
  20. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    Pushead is exclusive to Pushead.
  21. BobDuher

    BobDuher Addicted

    Guess who's back???
    Back again???
  22. bannedindc

    bannedindc S7 Royalty

    this should be in the FAQ

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