Any indie toy makers or artists who would be interested in having an Artist Alley-type table in the designer toy-themed area at C2E2 this year, shoot me a message. I will put you in touch with the right people. Thanks!
So are they having something like the alley or the block or whatever? If so we'll probably try to get in that area too.
Exactly. My understanding is that it's going to be The Block. However, they're also going to have an option to do more of an Artist Alley-style sub area fot really indie people.
Cool, I need to holla at my contact and work this all out. We're going to have some indy people at the table local and not local. Looking forward to all the Nerd City stuff too! Excited for convention season mad early!
ben, will there be a preview of the mini-comics kickstarter project at c2e2? the seeley brothers + your galaxxxxxxxxor (both as a character featured in the comic and as a bonus ks incentive) are a great fit.
MW will be at C2E2 with a few exclusive things (1 of which is first release). Nakama toys boof Saturday. Can't wait to hang out Chicago!
That's so awesome that MW is coming! FYI, Nerd City will have Jim Mahfood, Dave Crosland, The Godbeast and ManOrMonster? Studios at our booth full time and a rotating cast of other ne'er do wells at our booth. Oh! And Skinner is our neighbor! So, we'll be doing stuff with him, too. The Mini Comics Included stuff will most likely be all over the con. But yeah, I'll have that specific Galaxxor on display with whatever promo stuff that they have for me. I think this is going to be a huge step forward for the Chicago presence in this "scene".
That's a killer line up. So since it's the block do we have to have a dance off or something? keep it street real or something? I've got moves you wouldn't believe.
Yes. It will all be very "urban". I'll be the dude in the oversized hoodie with pink dollar signs on it.
I am envisioning something like this.
^^^^^ Oh Shit! You've seen the FP? That movie is amazing. Sorry for the off topic but if someone had an FP booth at the block I would have to have a beat beat revalation dance off. How am I supposed to concentrate with no mother fuckin' ducks?