evidently, that's where all the action is nowadays, so complete your move to instagram in order to post/follow/hype/repeat!
Rune_Alexandersen Toys, records and illustrations - no selfies, no cats, no food (Im just not that hip)
^^^^ I think that is evidence that we should all take endless amounts of selfies.... we need the style points. xdannyvslcx Mostly cats, movies, weird shit, toys, the usual
Instagram: drybones69 mostly too lazy to host photos, so most of my toy shots you can find on instagram.
greasebat ...shockingly original. Mostly pics of various vintage toys, my house, sketchbook and the occasional selfie involving some sort of old man hat & a cigar.
no... not sure if this came up because of this, but you can only like a certain number of posts before they start getting pushed of your likes page.
IG's toy community is awesome! I love looking at peoples' scores, creations, and other artwork. I usually check my feed about three times a day to get my fill of toy photos, haha. My IG name is same as my username, HelloInterloper... I don't post very often but when I do it's usually you or art related.