Its all in the eyes Part II

Discussion in 'Vintage Vinyl' started by Kingboy D, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Kingboy D

    Kingboy D Comment King

    I had the chance to pick this up this morning, but then a moment of clarity came over me and I realized that the fees, conversion rate, etc. would nearly double my bid price. Now I have serious non-buyer's regret. How I hate that crap.

    Anyway, despite the maker on the toy, I instantly fell in love with this. But when I compared the auction photos to the original (photo from Club Tokyo), I realized that I did not like the undoctored version nearly as much. Just coloring in the eyes red gave this a more mournful, lovable appearance IMO and really changed the character of the toy.



  2. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    i will give you that i feel like looking at both pieces having the eyes filled in adds a little more to the piece and makes it look a little less generic and more filled out
  3. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    It's funny, the original intent (if there was any) was probably to make him seem more ferocious, but I totally agree, the added marker does add a very sad aspect to the figure. I find him totally loveable too, sorry you missed him.

    I find getting the paint right, paricularly around the eyes, of vintage figures a huge task. It can change the appearance of the toy so much IMO, and many examples [of ones for sale of course] have very crudely applied paintjobs. Sometimes it's good, but oftentimes not. And when the eyes are sloppy, it is really unfortunate. For the moment though, my wallet only allows me a pittance to spend on 'junk' guys, so I am just happy to welcome others' rejects and toy misfits into my home ;)

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