Kaws 4 foot black companion

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by azjpeg, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. cornbluth

    cornbluth Line of Credit

  2. Future_Man

    Future_Man Post Pimp

    Great video!! Thank you.
  3. cornbluth

    cornbluth Line of Credit

    thank animalnewyork.com, but thank you for thanking me

    8) ;)
  4. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    My gray 4ft companion was pretty flawless - and super solidly built.

    These are made by medicom, and after some early failures (like sticky paintjobs and dissolving RAH costumes), I'm sure they have manu down to a fine art by now.

    Imagine how awesome any Kaws fig would be if it was made in Japan?
  5. Kevlo9

    Kevlo9 Super Deformed


    This photo is kinda creepy!
  6. LamourSupreme

    LamourSupreme Mini Boss

    "These street based operations of the past represent some of the best work KAWS has ever done and makes the stuff he does today looks rather toy."

    I love Bucky but he's a bit much. What the hell happened to Animal? I thought that was dead. Anyhow that's how KAWS rose to the top and a great video. I do believe he's continuing his steady rise. It may not be so anti establishment but what's to hate when you're making his coin. If you ask me, we really haven't really seen what Brian is up to or doing lately. I do believe he's moved on from the toy game though and whatever products Medicom is producing is small remnants of what KAWS was full into 8 years ago.
  7. Muse25

    Muse25 Fresh Meat

    I agree. Some buy Kaws figures just for bragging rights. I didn't understand his toy designs at first. Then I come to realize it's based on his "bus stop bombings". In which he defaces well known icons or advertisements (displayed in bus stop windows) with his famous skull and bones.
  8. mz

    mz Toy Prince

    Thank you kindly for that explanation.
  9. cornbluth

    cornbluth Line of Credit


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