BASK Trade Fest How many does this make now for them and the other territories? How many have we had? None that I can recall
Re: Com'on LASK How about we do it here at TAG? Let me know if a Sat or Sun would be better for people and the best time.
Re: Com'on LASK Mmmm we have actually had one at my house. Think it was before you were actively posting tho. Pretty sure Connell was there. Also we all met up at dcon and traded. Certainly up for another. TAG would be an excellent venue.
Re: Com'on LASK Mike, you and I spoke and are on the same page. Book store here is still an option and on board if not TAG or whatever... If TAG is an option would like them to participate in the trade though. Thoughts?
Re: Com'on LASK I'm not sure why If TAG provides a space it is neceasarry for them to participate in teh trade? But also dont mind if they do. Dont think it should be a deal breaker tho. More thoughts?
Re: Com'on LASK I honestly don't think that TAG's involvement in contributing to the trading is necessary as well. But, depending on how many people are actually interested in this, that may also contribute to where the venue for this should be. TAG is a pretty big space. 666doll, how big of a space is the bookstore you were recommending?
Re: Com'on LASK Oh lets do this! Count me in for sure. Preferably on the weekend, if on a weekday, it has to be at night .
Re: Com'on LASK My idea was to offer TAG as a space to hold the event. I passed it by Aaron who manages the store and he thought it was a cool idea. I would certainly want to participate in any tradefest as an individual and Aaron being a member of SB would most likely do the same. I think when tradefests have been held at Super7 in the past individuals that work there, including Brian. have participated in the event, as individuals. I don't recall Super7 (the store) putting any items from the store up for trade. I also have my own personal reasons for a trade to be held at TAG as I work on weekends and I wouldn't miss out on the event if it was held at TAG.
Re: Com'on LASK I think TAG would be a good place to have it, if they agree to it. Weekends are preferred as I work late most weekdays. Plus a weekend might be more inviting for some of the SD crew to come as well.
Re: Com'on LASK I'm totally up for gathering other SDSKers to head to LASK territory when you guys do this!
Re: Com'on LASK Ruh-roh - looks like I will HAVE to venture into teh storgae unit once again! Muahahahah...more nnnnnghghgh actually
Re: Com'on LASK If TAG isn't available we can all just meet at Carl's storage unit and rummage through his toys
Re: Com'on LASK Book store, it's a good size space. Don't think them (TAG) not participating would be a deal breaker at all either. Just thought it might be cool to have a toy store get in on it is all. Hell, technically we don't even need a space if the weather is nice either. To my knowledge, BASK has held plenty of trades in the outside. My trade items may have me on the outside looking in any way
Re: Com'on LASK TAG would like to host. So lets see if we can keep the momentum going on this. Here's the list of people that have shown interest so far... 1. 666doll 2. animator 3. mutonismyfriend 4. winu 5. mike like bike 6. ted koppel 7. coop 8. plastichunter 9. saints of spinners 10. uh oh So do we want to try and do this before Xmas or after the holidays in the beginning of January? Which day is better for you Sat., Sun., or either?
Re: Com'on LASK 1. 666doll 2. animator 3. mutonismyfriend 4. winu 5. mike like bike 6. ted koppel 7. coop 8. plastichunter 9. saints of spinners 10. uh oh 11. gomora63 i wl bring a big bag of vinyl if still not sold out
Re: Com'on LASK Definitely after the holiday season. I'm thinking Saturday would be best for most people. I am soooo looking forward to this! Hmmmm, maybe i'm a little too excited about this right now. I just got back home from Verdugo Bar...
Re: Com'on LASK Both Sat or Sun work for me. This weekend is the only weekend before the holidays and is too close, so I'd wait until after the holidays. I'm already looking around for toys I can bring.
Re: Com'on LASK 1. 666doll 2. animator 3. mutonismyfriend 4. winu 5. mike like bike 6. ted koppel 7. coop 8. plastichunter 9. saints of spinners 10. uh oh 11. gomora63 12. jefftallica Count me in as well!
Re: Com'on LASK Either Saturday or Sunday would prolly work for me. If an actual date can be hammered down I'll obviously know for sure. If there's liquor then I don't even have to check, I'm definitely there.