let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database

Discussion in 'Micromen & Henshin Cyborg' started by Fig Belly, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. Fig Belly

    Fig Belly Comment King

    Feb 23, 2006
    Portland oregon
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    I'll get some pics of what i have together tonite.
    A chestplate database would be swell too.
    Welcome to the new microman forum here on skullbrain.
    I want to bring a little micro fervorrr here.
  2. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    Sep 15, 2006
    Los Angeles
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    Feel free to add on if I’m missing anything, but this is most of it. I didn’t include books, magazines, manga, US comics, rare small products etc. where the M10X or Time Traveler image appears as this list would never end if I did. Witness firsthand the pain of Takara SF Land Collecting…

    Microman,M10X, Time Traveler, Cosmoman List:

    Pre Number Microman Vintage (short hand cuff, barefoot):
    (release descriptions from http://www.microforever.com THE online bible for Microman Collectors!):
    About first issue:
    Founder Series or First Series Microman. These early Microman figures were similar in many way to M10X but they did not have 5mm port and they came with barefoot design. The first version had metal tab instead of the rubber tube to hold together the arm sections.
    Clear Microman first issue
    Yellow Microman first issue
    Blue Microman first issue
    Orange Microman first issue
    About second issue:
    Takara replaced the metal tab design with the rubber tube. The first two released were sold only as part of Microman Kit-Machine toys.
    Clear Microman second issue
    Yellow Microman second issue
    Blue Microman second issue
    Orange Microman second issue
    About third issue:
    Takara sold the figure separately in white capsule. The early capsule was similar to the later 1975 capsule but the lid had extra engrave details and the bottom capsule tray had two plastic tabs to hold the figure in place.
    Clear Microman third issue
    Yellow Microman third issue
    Blue Microman third issue
    Orange Microman third issue
    About fourth issue:
    Takara introduced 5mm port to the original series Microman and replaced the barefoot with M11X style cybernetic shoe. The short cuff style was also change to the common long cuff style.
    M101 George fourth issue
    M102 Jack fourth issue
    M103 Jesse fourth issue
    M104 John fourth issue
    About fifth issue:
    By mid 1975, Takara also changed the short shoe to the longer type just as they changed the M11X type shoe to the longer type. The early version shoes were too short and made the figure difficult to stand and pose.
    M101 George fifth issue
    M102 Jack fifth issue
    M103 Jesse fifth issue
    M104 John fifth issue
    About sixth issue:
    Takara added the word "Japan" to the back just above the 5mm port. This was probably done to distinguish M10X from Mego Micronauts version. Takara also changed the design of the capsule sticker from the green badge design to the Microman Command style logo.
    M101 George sixth issue
    M102 Jack sixth issue
    M103 Jesse sixth issue
    M104 John sixth issue
    About seventh issue:
    In 1978, Takara began to use semi-opaque white shoulder part for the figures. Some of the early Microman figures that became out of stock in 1978, like the M10X, M11X and M12X, were produced with the new semi-opaque part. The semi-opaque shoulder parts would became common for most of the New microman figures. Takara also changed the color of M103 from dark cobalt blue to lighter sea-blue color. Also added to 1978 version were the small holes on each side of the legs. The hole was design for the Rescue Power Up Accessories. Takara released two set of Rescue Power Up accessories in 1979 and one of the set even came with two new members of M10X (in smoke clear and clear green). Takara planed several more Power Up accessory which would take advantage of the holes now common to most Microman figure since Command series but the Power Up Series was cancel along with the Original Microman line in 1980.
    M101 George seventh issue
    M102 Jack seventh issue
    M103 Jesse seventh issue
    M104 John seventh issue

    Vintage Power up set contains:
    M10X Clear Black
    M10X Clear Green

    Vintage New Microman Series:
    M-001 Clear Green silver or gold chestplate

    Additional Vintage:
    Microman/Lupin Menko Card Set (has M10X cards)
    M10X Eraser Figures packed in with some Sausage Brand

    Microman Reissue:
    M101 George
    M102 Jack
    M103 Jesse
    M104 John
    M100 Tom: Clear Black Playstation Game Prize
    M105 James: Clear Purple Puzzle Set
    M106 Jason: Clear Orange Puzzle Set
    M101-H Hyper George GID Hyper Hobby Magazine Mail Away
    M102-H Hyper Jack GID Hyper Hobby Magazine Mail Away
    M103-H Hyper Jesse GID Hyper Hobby Magazine Mail Away
    M104-H Hyper John GID Hyper Hobby Magazine Mail Away
    M101 Solid Mode George TRU Exclusive Set
    M102 Solid Mode Jack TRU Exclusive Set
    M103 Solid Mode Jesse TRU Exclusive Set
    M104 Solid Mode John TRU Exclusive Set
    M101S Metallic Mode George Trouble Chocolate TV Show Mail Away Set
    M102S Metallic Mode Jack Trouble Chocolate TV Show Mail Away Set
    M103S Metallic Mode Jesse Trouble Chocolate TV Show Mail Away Set
    M104S Metallic Mode John Trouble Chocolate TV Show Mail Away Set
    M101S Metallic Mode George second issue TV Asahi Show Mail Away Set
    M102S Metallic Mode Jack second issue TV Asahi Show Mail Away Set
    M103S Metallic Mode Jesse second issue TV Asahi Show Mail Away Set
    M104S Metallic Mode John second issue TV Asahi Show Mail Away Set
    M101 George Flesh 20th Century Toys Museum Exhibit Misukoshi Exclusive
    M102 Jack Milk White 20th Century Toys Museum Exhibit Misukoshi Exclusive
    M103 Jesse Clear Purple 20th Century Toys Museum Exhibit Misukoshi Exclusive
    M104 John Clear Black 20th Century Toys Museum Exhibit Misukoshi Exclusive
    M10X Clear Green Birth of Acroyear Set 20th Century Toys Exhibit Nagoya Exclusive
    M101 George second issue Victory Edition
    M102 Jack second issue Victory Edition
    M103 Jesse second issue Victory Edition
    M104 John second issue Victory Edition
    M10X Solid Grey Tokyo Toy Festival
    M10X Solid Green Osaka Toy Land Show
    M10X Solid Pink Tokyo World Characters Show
    VP01 Flesh Body Copper Head Red Grapple Outfit
    VP02 Flesh Body Gold Head Black Grapple Outfit
    VP03 Flesh Body Blue Head White Grapple Outfit

    Microman Reissue Additional Items:
    M101 George UFO Prize
    M102 Jack UFO Prize
    M103 Jesse UFO Prize
    M104 John UFO Prize
    M101 George Zippo and Keychain Tin Set
    M102 Jack Zippo and Keychain Tin Set
    M103 Jesse Zippo and Keychain Tin Set
    M104 John Zippo and Keychain Tin Set
    M101 George Phone Strap
    M102 Jack Phone Strap
    M103 Jesse Phone Strap
    M104 John Phone Strap
    Microman Watch Set (M103 Jesse On Face)
    Japan Robot Lab Choro Q Bus 2 (features image of M101-M104)
    Microman Playstation Game (Play as M10X Characters)
    Central Hobby Card Set (There are M101 Cards)
    Myclone Series 1:
    M-M101 George Myclone
    M-M102 Jack Myclone
    M-M103 Jesse Myclone
    M-M104 John Myclone
    Myclone Series 6:
    M-M10X Clear Green Chase Myclone
    SCF: Takara SF Land Act 1:
    Dramatic Edition “Escape From Micro” Earth Clear
    Dramatic Edition “Escape From Micro” Earth Yellow
    Dramatic Edition “Escape From Micro” Earth Blue
    Dramatic Edition “Escape From Micro” Earth Orange
    SCF: Takara SF Land Act 2:
    Dramatic Edition “In Giant World” Blue and Orange
    Dramatic Edition “In Giant World” Clear and Yellow

    Additional Japan Items:
    Gargamel M101
    Gargamel M102
    Gargamel M103
    Gargamel M104
    Gargamel M100
    Convex M101
    Convex M102
    Convex M103
    Convex M104
    Unknown Maker M101 Chestplate Ring
    Unknown Maker M102 Chestplate Ring
    Unknown Maker M103 Chestplate Ring
    Unknown Maker M104 Chestplate Ring
    Unknown Maker M10X Chestplate Ring With Henshin Cyborg Symbol Ring Set
    Base Xero Xero M10X Micro-Shit Head andChestplate
    VxFxCx M10X Dokuroking Costume Color Resin
    VxFxCx M10X Dokuroking Costume Clear Resin
    VxFxCx M10X Satan King Costume Color Resin
    VxFxCx M10X Satan King Costume Clear Resin
    VxFxCx M10X Plant Monster Costume Color Resin
    VxFxCx M10X Plant Monster Costume Clear Resin
    Charactics Hiro Grim Elequebird M10X Head and Chest Plate (I think it has a chest plate)

    Time Traveler Clear
    Time Traveler Clear Yellow
    Time Traveler Clear Blue
    Time Traveler Clear Orange
    Time Traveler Solid Green
    Time Traveler Solid Yellow
    Time Traveler Solid Blue
    Time Traveler Solid Red

    Hourtoy Inter-changeables
    Cosmo-Man Clear Green
    Cosmo-Man Clear Amber
    Cosmo-Man Clear Blue
    Cosmo-Man Clear Red
    Cosmo-Man Clear Green With Warp Chamber
    Cosmo-Man Clear Amber With Warp Chamber
    Cosmo-Man Clear Blue With Warp Chamber
    Cosmo-Man Clear Red With Warp Chamber

    M&D Inter-changeables
    Cosmo-Man Clear Green
    Cosmo-Man Clear Amber
    Cosmo-Man Clear Blue
    Cosmo-Man Clear Red

    Palisades Reissue Micronauts:
    Series 1:
    Time Traveler Clear (with 6 chestplates, 2 are of new design)
    Time Traveler Solid Red (with 6 chestplates, 2 are of new design)
    Time Traveler Solid Black (with 6 chestplates, 2 are of new design)
    Time Traveler Clear Blue (with 6 chestplates, 2 are of new design)
    Time Traveler Clear Black With GID p Dynamic Forces Exclusive (with 6 chestplates, 2 are of new design)
    Time Traveler All Solid Black TT Head Lee’s Action Figure Exclusive (with 6 chestplates, 2 are of new design)
    Time Traveler All Solid Black SpaceGlider Head Lee’s Action Figure Exclusive (with 6 chestplates, 2 are of new design)
    Series 1.5:
    Time Traveler Medic White With Red Chrome Parts Includes Med Table, O-rings, Spare Hands And Feet (with 2 chestplates of new design)

    Recent US Extras:
    Hero Factory Card Set (There are Time Traveler Cards)
    Super 7 Palisades TT Chestplate Ring and Print
  3. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    Sep 15, 2006
    Los Angeles
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database

    As far as chestplate design goes there are the following that come in a shitload of different colors:
    The original 4 Chestplate designs
    Skeleton Man/Gray Man Set Chestplate (M10X gets a 6pack)
    Flat Chestplate (Used for various Reissue Exclusives)
    Microshit Chestplate
    Palisades V-8 Chestplate
    Palisades TBird Chestplate
  4. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    Sep 15, 2006
    Los Angeles
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    I forgot there were also some 1 day license kits to make your Microforce figures into M10X style figures. I'm sure there are a million other 1 day license kits as well that would extend this list quite a bit....

  5. dave zav

    dave zav Addicted

    Jul 12, 2007
    Savin Rock
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    nice man, that's a lot of work putting this list together.
    This good deed will go down on your permanent record.
  6. Fig Belly

    Fig Belly Comment King

    Feb 23, 2006
    Portland oregon
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    oh flippin rad.
    that list is soo nice.
    read thru the first list and was thinking about the skeleton chest plate, and there it was. Maybe the karate outfit and the snowboarder should be in there somewhere too. And.. .sinice the henshin outfits use the barefoot body type maybe those?
    I also saw a bandana once. I wanted it pretty bad but the dood wouldn't sell it to me as it was part of his own collection. You know the shop I'm thinking of? I think that had some barefoot action on it but can't remember.
  7. dave zav

    dave zav Addicted

    Jul 12, 2007
    Savin Rock
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    VP01 Flesh Body Copper Head Red Grapple Outfit
    VP02 Flesh Body Gold Head Black Grapple Outfit
    VP03 Flesh Body Blue Head White Grapple Outfit

    I think these are the karate outfit ones.

    The Snowboarder is an M12X body type, I think.
  8. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    Sep 15, 2006
    Los Angeles
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    Yep you beat me to the answer Dave, the Grapple's are the Karate guys. and the Warp Magazine mail away snowboard Microman is an M12X.
  9. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    Sep 15, 2006
    Los Angeles
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
  10. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    Sep 15, 2006
    Los Angeles
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database

    I don't think I've ever seen the bandana. You don't have pics do you? Where was the shop?
  11. datadub

    datadub S7 Royalty

    Dec 4, 2005
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    These are raddest of the rad - half sized time travellers - very articulated

    When is Gargamel going to do clear green????
  12. dave zav

    dave zav Addicted

    Jul 12, 2007
    Savin Rock
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    These phone strap figures are a perfect size to fit in the "Micro- Shell" diving bell
    that comes with MF2-03 Divemaster Roberto from the 2004 series.
  13. microbry

    microbry Fresh Meat

    Mar 9, 2009
    Redmond, WA
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    Correction: there is a third added chest plate design from Palisades, the one I designed for the Time Medic (Dave Waugh designed the other two, though they turned out a little bigger than he had specified), which it comes with instead of the other six listed. The medic's chestplate has a medic motif to it and has two sockets that allows an included Membros cable (or a Rescue Microman's gun cable) to interface between the chest "cyber-module" and the "med-pod".

    The med-pod itself is designed to either stand on two (included) figure stands, upright, or replace the hibernation chamber in Astrostation and can hold a figure inside it or on top of it on a 5mm peg as an operating table. :)
  14. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    Sep 15, 2006
    Los Angeles
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    hahah thanks Bry.

    DYBBUKIM Post Pimp

    Feb 18, 2006
    San Frandisco
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    That is a great list. Here is a helpful hint, though, if I may -- rather than keep revising and reposting the list, simply go back and edit your first list higher in the thread as THE master list. Then it will be easy to find for everyone because it is near the top of the thread on the first page of posts. Easier to find and you can always update it.
  16. dokuroking

    dokuroking Comment King

    Sep 15, 2006
    Los Angeles
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    Good thought. I'll put that in place right now. Updating the list with microbry's correction.
  17. dave zav

    dave zav Addicted

    Jul 12, 2007
    Savin Rock
    let's see a time travelin barefoot cosmosman database
    Just took some pics of this

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