Thinking about doing a meet up to see what everyone gets in their lucky bags and maybe do some trading. 1:30 on Saturday at the Super7 booth?
Is the caveman dino painted by Josh? The looser sprays remind m of the fossilzillas he painted a few years ago. Aka throwback to reaching in the volcano. Then again it might just have great looser sprays. Let's see more bags.
Heard most bags had a kong, didn’t ask about the dino’s paint. Apparently there are five variations of the wing kong, I think at least three are blanks.
Sometimes I’m blown away by the fact people don’t realize how fucking annoying it is to immediately try and buy a rare toy that you literally just got. Great bags guys! Keep the pics coming please!
Post my bag on Instagram. I'll try to post here later. Here's a list of what I got. Spoiler -Red painted Wing Kong- seen -Unpainted Peanut butter(?) Fungus Wolf -Unpainted Skeletor- Filmation release -Unpainted Silver flake Mummyboy- Traded this for unpainted gid Alien Queen -Unpainted marbled Hono- seen -Painted Caveman Dino- seen