Who'd like to meet up, say at the coffee shop next to Rotofugi? I don't know anyone in Chicago who's into toys (except the Rotofugi crew, and they only know me by face I think). It'd be nice to set up a Chicago Area Skull Krew (CASK), or if that's too familiar, Rotofugi Area Skull Team Amazing (RASTA). What do y'all think?
I'll actually be in town next weekend, not sure what my schedule is since I have a lot of family to see, but I'm probably gonna try and hit Roto and some more dirty/cheap/used toy shops I love.
Definitely down to meet up with people...I don't think I have anything going on this Sunday? Hopefully eventually we can get a few people together for various events (G-fest etc.).
I think thats a spiffy idea. Although, I don't know as much about this 'ere vinyl stuff as a lot of others... but i'd sure like to meet some other SBers. CASK(et) eh? sweet. We should have jackets made lol!
I'll certainly try for then, either or should be fine with me Maybe we should have a couple of pics so we know who to look for? I missed out meeting some of you at the Earth show.
Ok why don't we shoot for one of those? We can meet at Roto and then grab something to eat/drink? Maybe I'll throw together a sack of stuff for trade as well...feel free to post up some mugshots. I'll have to dig one out that's not too scary.
how about Saturday the 31st - 1pm at Atomix (the coffee shop next to Rotofugi)? this is the only pic I have at work
I would very much like to meet some other chicago skullbrain/ toy peoples. The next couple of weekends send me out of town, but I'd like to meet up in the future.
i'm in southern illinois, but would love to make the trek up and chill w/ you guys.. the last time i was in chicago was for the toy karma show
Yeah let's go with this...I'll be there...hopefully we can keep talking about it all week so we (I) don't forget, lol.
I'll be there too....cracking the whip on Jeremy. If the weather's good we should hit the back deck at Cleo's for a bite and a beer.