Post memes of any kind, the more relevant to our interests the better. We'll use the term "meme" loosely, just post whatever you want. Feel free to comment on said memes. Don't forget to follow the rules of the board! What could possibly go wrong? I'll start!
This is literally any of us when we tell anyone outside of toys about our collections, but Nags just felt funniest to me.
This is really fucked up Moog, and I won’t stand for it! Naw, I’m just kidding, it’s spot on. I remember in the early eighties when my mom was waving a cigarette around while unloading groceries and accidently burned my chest as a four year old. It was a little tiny burn, no more than a blister. She was still a great mom that would take a bullet for me any day. That kind of stuff will get your child taken away from you by child protective services these days. Bunch of fucking sissies indeed! I hope this post offended you!
@Michael Beverage I suppose every generation likes to complain about out how the younger generation have got it so wrong. I'm just a crabby old man, but I do love taking the piss and posting shite on the internet. If I can raise a smile or a laugh with that silly shite, all the better !!