Message to Emanuel (Iron Paw) & The Entire Toy Community

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Alsiggitysauce, Apr 20, 2015.

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  1. Alsiggitysauce

    Alsiggitysauce Fresh Meat

    Feb 11, 2014
    New Jeru
    Message to Emanuel (Iron Paw) & The Entire Toy Community
    ATTENTION ADMINS. I'm sorry if this isn't to toy related but may you please let this ride for at least a day or two. This is a mass message directed towards the toy community. I just want to make sure it's seen and this Japan thread has the most views. Forgive me as this message is rather long

    Hello everyone. My name is Albert. Most of you, if any know me as alsiggitysauce. A very sad event took place the other day and it disrupted the toy community in the most negative hateful way possible. And sad to say I am the cause of it... I'm 29 years old and the way I acted the other day was not only immature but a sad display of behavior that I have never performed in my existence to this very day. I'm not only ashamed, embarrassed, but also disappointed in my self and it's been bothering me every since it took place. Not only do I owe an apology to the toy community but I especially owe an apology to Emanuel aka Iron Paw. Someone emailed me today and really made me see how terrible this whole situation was and advised me to make it right some how. The only way I feel I will be able to do so is to do it publicly on the group that started it all. So here it goes.. I'll explain from the beginning.

    I've been collecting toys on and off since a child. I collect many things for that matter. The kaiju thing only started some years back for me. I kept pretty quiet and just collected here and there. I really got into it heavy a couple of years ago. But still remained silent on the forums. I finally chose to join skullbrain besides all the bad talk about it. Well my introduction wasn't so lovely. I got trolled a bunch and it led me to just stop posting and only read. The main situation that sparked the tension was between Dj Edgar Avilla and Iron Paw vs me. SDCC was coming around and of course I couldn't make it but I had a couple of miles willing to help me out. But they needed money on top of each item. I had a strict time limit so I rushed for money. The item that I had in my possession at the time was a painted first Paul Kaiju Slugbeard. Now I paid over retail for it. I knew someone that won so I paid after market for it. So since I paid after market it didn't mean that much to me at the time so I figured I could throw it up on eBay and maybe make a little money on top to help with my buying funds. I been selling shoes on eBay for quite some times. That's the only thing I sell on eBay along with horror VHS. I usually list things buy it now high so people can message me to talk me down to paypal invoice. I put it up for a ridiculous price of 800 hope if someone would offer me 500 and I would be only making around 100$ for it. First and only toy i ever put up on eBay. Well I was able to get the money elsewhere so I took it down and kept it for the time being. After that is when all hell broke loose. Emanuel and Edgar started harassing me as well as others on the board. I didn't take lightly to that so I started going crazy. It's not like I did that all the time it was only once and everyone went crazy on me. To make a long story short we shared our words and I thought this whole thing was over but it wasn't. I kept getting sporadically harassed and it was driving me nuts. Anyone that knows me personal knows I have anger issues and I've had since a kid. I go to the gym frequently and it's a really big hobby of mine and it absolutely helps with the anger. Sometimes my anger takes over without a moral thought and I go nuts. I used to fight a lot when I was a kid etc and I've calmed down a great deal as I matured but this internet bullying I can't stand so I get mad. I get even more mad when I get trolled. I'm the type of person that doesn't bother a soul I stay to myself so when I get trolled like this I don't take to it well and explode. Well it died down for a while until recently. Iron paw started trolling again and I guess it was the wrong day and I exploded. I exploded so bad I made the worst mistake of my life in which is the main topic of discussion.

    I posted on izumonster page a comment and he started calling me a flipper. I don't care what you think someone is but to time after time follow them around on the internet just to keep calling them things and harass is beyond me and that's childish. I should've ignored like a smart person but I didn't and made a terrible mistake. I started threatening Emanuel telling him I was going to hurt him and he biggest mistake of all I got racial and threw out racial slurs. Believe it or not I have never said a racial slur to another human being in my entire lifetime. I'm half Puerto Rican. My fiancé is 100 percent Puerto Rican and I have tons of interracial friends. The person that meant the most to me on this earth was my mother. The number one thing in life she told me to not ever be was a racist. She was Puerto Rican and by her marrying my father who was an Italian she dealt with an excess amount of racism and she struggled a lot with that growing up. For me to lose my temper and to spit out racial slurs she must be turning in her grave :( I'm so ashamed of myself. She did not raise me to be this way nor do I act it. You see I don't know Emanuel personally I only know him from pictures and I was so enraged after a year of this trolling I made the bad decision and tried anything I could to hurt his feelings.

    So I am here as a man to apologize. Emanuel I am so so deeply sorry for what I have done. I made the biggest mistake of my life and it truly saddens me to know I targeted you in such a terrible manner. I am Hispanic myself Manny I had no right to do that. The worst type of hate crime is against someone in your own ethnicity. It's terrible period but you get the picture. I am so so sorry that I threatened you. I promise you Manny that I take back everything I said. I will absolutely never try to hurt you if I ever see you. Instead I will apologize and give you a bro hug if even possible. I'm sure you are a very nice, fun, lovable and cool human being inside and out and I'm so terribly sorry for the mistake I have made. I just wish you didn't have to troll me like that and went about it differently. If this never happened and you met me at an event I guarantee you'd actually like me. I'm not a bad guy and I'm fun to be around. You just met the bad side of me and knew how to push the correct buttons. I take back everything Emanuel and if I can do anything to make it up to you please let me know. You're apart of a beautiful ethnic group I am a scumbag for attacking it when it's not even of my general nature.

    And Emanuel all you ever wanted me to admit was that I "flipped" or tried to flip the slugbeard. So I will openly admit that yes, only that one time did I try to make some money as I wanted to pay off my mules. That was and is the only time I tried that. I didn't even succeed as I decided to keep it and took it down.

    As for the toy community I wanted to apologize as well.... I know what I did changed a lot of your views on me and most of you will never accept me or forgive me for this. And that is fine you reap what you sew. I'm just asking for a chance is all. People make mistakes and I made a huge one. I don't regret it either. Simply because it taught me a very important lesson and it actually changed me mentally. Life is a very important gift and to threaten others is a sin. Instead we should all be family and cherish one another. If you guys have it in your heart to forgive me I will be grateful. All I ever wanted was to make friends and post on here and anywhere for that matter and just love what I always loved which is toys. I want to join in on all the conversations and I want to share my collection with you all in which I am very proud of. Please forgive me. I know what I have done. And I am willing to do what t takes to correct it. I'm so so deeply sorry..... Emanuel .... I'm sorry to you especially. Pleas forgive me

    Albert aka alsiggitysauce
  2. TiredChildren

    TiredChildren Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 16, 2009
    Melbourne, FL
    Message to Emanuel (Iron Paw) & The Entire Toy Community
    Moved this and locked it.
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