i know a lot of you must sketch. i'm trying to get back in the habit myself so i scribbled out a bemon this morning - i might add to it... a tentacle or something. just getting started again on something i should do a lot more regularly... i hope it leads to some of my own creations well, let's see some drawings!
That sketch is great! You should definately get back into the swing of sketching! Id probably even buy one or two of em from ya, if applicable Lets see a Hedorah smoking on a smoke stack!
trying a new one - bemon stuffed into a suit like my m1go figures! bemon is fun to draw - the free form figure really lends itself to interesting shapes/forms.... and masks my limited artistic ability!
Nice work pickleloaf! I got some monster sketches for ya---sorry about the dark pics... Cubist Ghost Hedorah: More hedorah: Space Matango (inspired by the TTToy Jequlinan): I've got a series of sketches here with a Triffid/Zombie thang goin' on: Some Matangoes I'm working on:
Dang hypermook, all of your silhouettes are superb, and I'm really diggin' that ominous Hedorah drawing, too. I think your triffid-like thing and the tree-with-legs would make excellent toy or model designs. Great stuff, all!
Thanks for the kind words. I know there's gotta' be more monster sketchers out there----Post 'em y'all!!!
Looks like that Bemon is just ruining that suit, all oozing all over it and shit. I can imaging the colorway for this having some seriously nasty stains all around the collar and lapels of his coat...
Woah, Hypermook your skecthes are superb!!! Im loving the hedorahs, especially the one in the city. Great stuff, wish I could draw
This stuffed suit Bemon is really cool. Love the puddle of muck running out from the bottom of the pants. Nice sketch!