Ehh, DTA’s… death to awards. Not a fan of the DTA’s at all… every year it’s a pissing contest from any and every artist asking for support/help to win the ummm achievement? Your fans show your success… you don’t need a committee that doesn’t really even understand neo soft vinyl to see you.
The fact that we are even having this discussion is ridiculous and as usual people are looking to be offended. Folks need to take a long look in the mirror and reevaluate their lives. also nobody care about those awards anymore lol. As @eckotyper said, fans show the success. No committee needed.
Someone expressing what they see as an issue is one thing, to start virtue signaling is whole other thing. None of that happened. No one here is a luminary, but some people definitely brown nose.
This goes to both threads - How well do you know your artists and how well do you know your audience. Before the pitchforks and cancel culture come full force, stop and ask questions before accusing. But again this is SB and opinions are abundant and facts not so much
This isn't funny. That's a serious charge to level at someone in this day and age. Like life altering. Rich has a lot riding on his reputation just like the rest of us in our professional lives and a statement like that shouldn't just be tossed off without a second thought. Highly inappropriate and should be taken very seriously. I know its just skulldrain for some but its real life for others. Let's all get a grip please.
Don’t think Rich is being charged, you can’t charge anyone with being a Nazi in America unfortunately. Someone felt the band was Nazi-ish and now everyone is losing their shit. But based on all the white knights, I doubt Rich is going to be affected sales wise. Put down the imaginary pitchforks already.
Some people also definitely still collect sofubi, rather than just complaining and taking offense to any and everything. Heyoooooo
It was addressed in a different thread and someone even felt it real enough to sell their MVH collection. Just saying when you throw things around like that, it causes a ripple effect.
If some people feel that way without digging further, who wants those fans? I got rid of mine due to cops being thanked for their service.
I have a name. And no, I'm not selling now that Rich has explained himself. Like I said in the other thread, I have family history. I'm sorry that I jump easily to conclusions, but I think anyone whose family survived Germany-occupied Poland would too.
J I honestly don’t believe that’s the case. not everyone jumps to conclusions that easily. First thing probably should have been sending a DM
Yes you do but I didn't feel I needed to say it because if people wanted to know who I was talking about, they can look for themselves. Not saying your name isn't me shading you in anyway either, just in case you or anyone else was curious.
Having family that suffered and almost died in a concentration camp isn't enough reason to jump to conclusions? So tell me, what reason would I have?
Having family that suffered and almost died in a concentration camp isn't enough reason to jump to conclusions? So tell me, what reason would I have? Understood, it's all okay. Also, let's take this conversation to the other thread.
SO PSYCHED FOR MVH HEDORAH And with Mecha Death DX and Mecha Doji San on the horizon, we’ve entered into a whole new dimension.
Speaking of tributes, this kanegon collaboration with Knave is yet to be released and another cool unique take that maintains the aesthetic of the MVH brand
O he will party with you. Last time I was in Tokyo he got me a bottle of champagne and made me drink the entire bottle. Ending up walking around shibuya drunk and lost.