MVH toys thread

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by Rich, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    MVH toys thread
    Question time, do I create and post my own threads again? Or is it better to let fans make their own threads and I reply ? If there is no longer a want for me here, which would be ok, should I not ever bother ? Or is it on me to spark the conversation?

    I haven’t posted anything here in so long because I honestly don’t feel there is a want for my works or thoughts here anymore.

    I’m usually just in my own bubble working and posting on IG etc. I don’t spend as much time here as I used to. But would if people wanted more than just me posting pics on IG. If people rally wanted a conversation.

    I was asked recently why I don’t post here much or if I disliked this place and the people here. I don’t think I post here much because the board may have moved on from me. I see much more discussion for other makers and don’t want to be that guy trying to force myself and brand on here if it’s noy wanted anymore.

    So, let me know your thoughts.

    I know this can quickly turn ugly, so please, let’s not. Just a fan of toys asking other fans if this is still the place for me since it’s been so long.
  2. hellscrape

    hellscrape Comment King

    Jun 13, 2013
    MVH toys thread
    While i don't personally collect much of your stuff (i like cuter stuff in general) I always appreciate your insight, as you've been around for a much longer time than I and certainly see things from another perspective. I feel you should post as much or little as you want, regardless of whatever the peanut gallery has to say. I've found this place much more palatable when i simply ignore certain people. I won't let them curb my enthusiasm!
  3. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    MVH toys thread
    I will NOT sit here and let say Bernie isnt cute !


  4. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    May 31, 2013
    Brisbane, Australia
    MVH toys thread
    What are you going on about??

    First up, I want to re-assure you (because it sounds like you need it) that I honestly dig your toys, design work, sculpts, paint apps and most of what you produce as an artist. I really mean that - it's not in purple text or anything like that.

    But man sometimes you make posts that can be outright ridiculous. To me it sounds like you're fishing for compliments by saying things like "I honestly don’t feel there is a want for my works or thoughts here anymore"... when is the last time you haven't had a complete sell-out for your toys Rich? And you're here with some sob story about how "nobody likes you". What the actual fuck.

    I enjoy seeing posts from makers here - and I find your instagram posts pretty interesting as well. I still have the MVH insta on post notifications because you post some cool behind the scenes stuff from time to time, and as a fan of your art I really enjoy that side of MVH - and I have no doubt a lot of SB members here do as well.

    I don't know, maybe you're going through a hard time at the moment and you're feeling a bit unwanted etc. - and you and I have had some turbulent discussions over the years. You're on top of the game at the moment Rich - it would be cool to see you post more often here on SB - especially if it was thoughts on your new projects and sofubi in general. Maybe ease off of the pity-party stuff though.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
  5. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    MVH toys thread
    I still believe there are much better conversations held here than on Instagram. While I love the fast pace, and hundreds of daily toy pictures, new toys, and lottery info IG has to offer, it really isn't a place for much overall discussion. At best it is a place to find new things, and constatly see what artists are up to, at worst it's a giant circle jerk. It's not a place I can say what I think about a new toy, good, bad, etc. without either A. Feeling like a complete ass kisser, or B. Feeling like I'm out of place commenting somethig that might come across as negative.

    Being a collector of your work, I like to see you post everywhere possible. Here is a place where I've seen you be a lot more candid than IG. I also know IG has done a great job at growing your empire, so it would make sense to really foster that.
    hellopike, Alebrije, smurph and 2 others like this.
  6. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    MVH toys thread
    I think yo are taking this the wrong way Glenn, and pretty much this sort of feedback (right or wrong) is why Rich is asking this question/hesitant to start the conversation.

    Rich, you should do what you want. You can come here every 5 years and make a new random post, or be on here every day - in the end no one should think differently of you either way. I think there is value in the discussion which take place on SB, some people choose to take the feedback for the honest an appreciating intent it was meant, and even sometimes work this into development for 'in-progress' toys. But yes, I also can appreciate that it is a double-edged sword because, though I still think it is the minority, you are opening yourself up to potential moaning, whining, BS criticism, etc., by engaging directly with the community here [though there is the ignore function...].

    I think it is also about the content you post. There is one thing to start threads for new toys you have coming out, and a few people take this route, and of course you can always leave it up to fans here who will inevitably do this for you. We have seen - without naming names - a few individuals who have come here solely to flog wares, and that is a different thing; but when that happens it is very clear, and you will note that those people are also not active here and tend not to last very long. So I don't think that is really a legitimate criticism someone could throw your way. Your 'brand' if I can use that term, also doesn't seem to need any minor bump by SB mentioning. And, if Paul will forgive me as bringing him up as a specific excellent example, you can also simply be active here as a fan of soft vinyl toys. You can come here, discuss shit, have fun, and just talk toys (or whatever) which doesn't have to ever be related to MVH. I am not saying that you won't still catch flak from the negative sidelines in doing so, but that can happen in any case, and I am sure happens on IG anyways.

    In short, SB is its own beast. For better or worse. But I still think there is value here. It is the community and folks that actively try to make it an informative and fun place that keep it that way. The toxic underpinnings will always exist, we can't do much for that. I take the view of trying to overwhelm the negativity with a greater balance of valuable stuff. As David said, this is NOT Instagram. I won't get into my criticism of that here, as it doesn't add anything. This is a place for fans, open dialogue, and toys of all sorts. They serve different purposes.

    TL;DR - You can post here or not. You are definitely welcome, and I know a lot of people would welcome hearing from you, even if it is just occasional updates. You can also just post about other toys. It is fully up to you, and you should't let what others think make the decision for you. Also, you might recognise that I am not some hardcore MVH collector, so could be this post is an example of more SB noise; and that is absolutely fine by me.
  7. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    MVH toys thread
    Do you see what I mean, how fast things can go off the rails.

    Let me address this a piece at a time.

    Thank you, yes we’ve had our issues in the past and even a few days ago. To be honest I try not to hold grudges and let it go once I come to my senses. BUT it’s does seem like you try to stir things up. If this is just how you talk and it’s not meant to be taken that way, or if you really are dipping your toes into insults a tad idk.

    How can I make post that are ridiculous if I don’t even post here much ? Fuck. This is the exact reason why I don’t post here anymore.

    No, I’m not seeking attention, I was asking a honest question. Selling out has nothing to do with being a member on SB, and talking about toys. I have been a member of this board for 12 years yet as of late I can’t say I feel like I know this place at all. I felt I at least have the right to ask an honest question of the people here that collects all toys.

    But replies like this really make me just want to erase it and say yeah fuck it, IG is easier. Why would I want to sit here and argue with you ? I can just post on my feed, direct to people I know want to see it and talk without any worries or backlash.

    I miss the deeper conversations that message boards can bring and why I miss posting here. BUT, I don’t know if it’s ok anymore to post your own threads. If that comes off looking like a self centered Jack ass. Should I just wait for fans to post which isn’t what I see here of my toys much anymore. Maybe they just enjoy them and don’t feel the need to talk on message boards about it. So then why would I take up time posting here if no one wants to read it. So I’m honestly asking.

    I’m having a hard time right now keeping my cool and not getting mad with you. Your post is a list of insults topped off with pitty party line. See how you always start off with a compliment then shoot right into insults and then go no not me I’m a fan. What the shit !

    I’m not going through a hard time what so ever. I’m happy with my art, shop is fine, and i hope i make all my fans happy as i can being a one man show. Because I post a question on if I should pots my own threads or wait for fans to do so, or if it’s even needed here doesn’t mean I need attention or feeling down.

    This again is not what I had in mind, but In literally two post time here we are.

    I don’t know why you want to keep fucking with me, but it’s starting to get under my skin.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
    hellopike likes this.
  8. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    MVH toys thread
    Agreed. Let's not try and pick this apart or turn this into sofa psychoanalysis of Rich, or anyone. I think the bigger important question here is, in 2019, do toy makers feel they have a voice to add value to Skullbrain? If so, are they/do they feel free to do so? And what does the community think about artists coming on the board to discuss their toys?

    I mean, I have mine own answers to those questions, but I think Rich is legitimately asking for general feedback from the board, to save himself a lot of headache and frustration later.
    Alebrije and Rich like this.
  9. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    MVH toys thread
    Much more eloquently put than I could’ve ever formed. Thank you.

  10. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    Apr 24, 2013
    Hiding in your toy chest
    MVH toys thread
    Of course not. Why would a new toy maker want to come discuss their new toys on a forum where a small but vocal handful of people will constantly just talk shit about what they've made or how they made it or even where they made it? Where the fuck is the fun in that? The whole idea that people need to go through the beloved SkullBrain hazing when they first get here is not only horribly outdated but it was downright stupid to begin with.

    SkullBrain used to educate fans and help to actually inspire and create vinyl artists. In 2019 it's mostly broken links to what was once the greatest vinyl toy image archive on earth and many toy makers would rather piss glass than deal with the unabashed shit stirring that goes on unchecked all over this forum.

    I get the whole anti-censoring freedom of thought thing and that's cool. But don't you ever worry that a few years from now SB might just be a handful of staff members and a handful of jackasses that pushed everyone else away?

    Everyone calls SB a "toy community" but more and more it feels like a gated community that doesn't really want to let anyone else in. Again though some of the nicest people I know in the entire toy world are on this board and I love interacting with them but the overall vibe of this place seems to get a little worse every year.

    I fully expect to get the obligatory "that's SB if you don't like it go fuck yourself" responses but the thing is I do like this place or I wouldn't still be here and if I didn't care I wouldn't bother saying anything at all.
  11. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    MVH toys thread
    To be honest I prefer to eat broken glass and drink bleach analogy, but to each their own.

    You also missed “ or how they pronounce it “


  12. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    Dec 28, 2015
    Denver, Colorado
    MVH toys thread
    You make great stuff.
    I can empathize with the criticism of this place being negative.
    It becomes hard round these parts to have a custructive discussion.

    I still go back and read the Vcolor thread.
    meanmistert and Rich like this.
  13. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Feb 23, 2012
    Denver, CO
    MVH toys thread
    @Rich Personally, I’d like to see more content from you. I love your work and we’ve chatted before about other things besides toys. Always looking to see/hear more from a fantastic toy maker such as yourself.

    The insults and attacks on here are pretty wack and I’ve blocked a few people so I don’t have to see/hear their bullshit. Maybe you can do the same so you don’t have to deal with them and post for the fans that do want more of your insight? Just a thought.
  14. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
    MVH toys thread
    One step forward . . two steps back!
    Go fuck yourself . . . and you're welcome! ;) :D :D
    Beantime, coma21, bunnyboy and 3 others like this.
  15. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    May 26, 2010
    Twin Cities
    MVH toys thread
    Rich, you asked and he told you. I actually really agree with badteethcomics whole post.
    You want to know what I think? I think forums are dying and it's hard to post pics and show work through hyperlinks compared to ig. So you're here less, others post less, and it can feel on purpose. It's not. We all still salivate over your stuff. Don't be mad at the crticism, you asked, he was honest and that's what you asked for...honesty.

    Here's where I'm at. I don't like ALL of the new stuff. The crash test dummy doesn't even look right on the fink body. The pollution monster is okay. Thing is I'm happy in a way. I'm glad you're trying new things. This is evolution. I'm fine with not liking a piece for once.

    Look I know I've been highly critical of you at times, it's no surprise. But every one of my crticisms you have acted on. I bashed you for having no vinyl, you figured it out and got vinyl. I bashed you for shop drops and over hyping a brand/release that needs no hype, .... and you have fixed that by having open runs and such. Bottom line is, you love us. Enough to do a SB only Ollie and dx don't forget that. And my God please stop this "if you don't like me ill leave" BULL#$T. Just....dont. It's tacky. I don't always say what you want to hear. We are (supposed to be) fucking punk rock over here. Orange and black. If you want cutesy go to IG. But if I were you I'd hang out here and get it straight from the horses mouth. Who else can you trust to tell you the truth? The rest will use you, say everything is awesome, make $$$$ off of you and leave you in IG land. We are here and who we are. Honest.
    I'm happy when others have found their place in life. The dojo, your kids, all seem to have you in a happy place. Let that happen and take you wherever it may. But don't forget to drop back in once in a while. You're an original SBer for life and will always be treated as such here. I've always said it and I know ive been ridiculed for it.....but everything I've ever said to you is because I care. Wishing you the best mang. Only a friend will tell you the truth.
    Really feeling waterbears post though. It's next to impossible to have a constructive conversation in here anymore, and if it keeps up there won't be a SB very soon indeed. ☹️
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2019
  16. jhsu

    jhsu Fresh Meat

    Apr 13, 2016
    Shanghai, China
    MVH toys thread
    I hope we can keep the deep discussions going on the forums since it's a lot easier to track one thread or use the search function than to find one particular photo from someone from IG with a discussion under it.

    I think it's cool when the artists are on the forum and participate in the discussion. It's always cool to get a glimpse of what goes on in their minds.

    I mean the point of the forum is to share our enthusiasm for soft vinyl toys. If you feel like sparking the convo, go for it! And I don't think there'll ever be a time when we do not want your presence here.
    The Moog and zindabad like this.
  17. zindabad

    zindabad Line of Credit

    Dec 28, 2017
    Fake New York
    MVH toys thread
    Would be very happy to see more of you here. Instagram gets that visual pop for sure, but I have more fun in a community where we can do longer-form discussion, get excited about a new sculpt and talk themes and influences. I really enjoyed your Kougai thread, for example, because it let me learn more about the toy, and I think that instills a deeper appreciation than just seeing a photo and going "I don't know what it is, but I want it."

    I know forums are on the way out in general, but considering how niche the hobby is Skullbrain has been around and active longer than most. Might be a naive thing to say, but I'm hopeful.
    The Moog likes this.
  18. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Apr 15, 2010
    Gert Brizzle UK
    MVH toys thread
    Post here as often as you want Rich, a lot of us here love you bu--ddy!

    meanmistert likes this.
  19. taviq

    taviq Toy Prince

    Apr 27, 2015
    Bay area
    MVH toys thread
    My favorite thing about sb is that I can almost have a conversation with an artist I admire. IG is just too much bits and pieces with too many people. SB makes people more human. Usually the asshole part of the human but we all got assholes.
    I'd been a lurker for a few years before I joined and the main reason was for more MVH information. I love your work and I wish more artists can come on the boards to discuss their work. I totally understand why they don't. Criticism on artwork can be demoralizing to the artist, but the fact that a forum exists where that criticism can happen is beneficial.
    So, yes, please stay and make more posts about your toys.
    The Moog and Brooklyn_Vinyl like this.
  20. Madmax405

    Madmax405 Addicted

    Feb 10, 2018
    Fort Lee NJ/NYC
    MVH toys thread
    I think there's not much for me to say here that hasn't already been said.

    Personally, I've always loved to read your posts @Rich , as well as other guys involved in the scene such as @JoeMan . There are many quality discussions that just wouldn't happen online anywhere else. I really appreciate the time you guys take to stay involved in the community, and share your feelings on both toy making and toy collecting. I would happily contribute to a thread about your toys, and would love to see more. It sucks if you feel discouraged or unwelcome, the vocal minority will always do everything they can to make their voices heard. Even if they aren't the majority of people, I understand it can be hard to ignore them.

    And while message boards as a whole are dying, they really are a unique and beneficial resource for these kinds of discussions. So I do hope they do not die out completely. SB can only be what the people make of it, and even that definition is changing. For example, photography. I don't think SB can (or even needs to) complete with Instagram in this regard. I love to share pictures of my toys, but I think IG is the best place for that. I think the photo would need to warrant discussion to be valuable here. So for example, threads that are just photos, is my least favorite content on SB.

    I can understand why it would be annoying if someone new comes here and is just trying to start multiple threads to sell toys. But MVH is an established brand. You as an individual have labored for years to create this line of sofubi which is recognized worldwide. If anyone gives you shit for "self-promoting" I think it's crazy. In fact, if you ever have the time, I'd love to see more self promotion. Maybe make another micro run for SBers, or do a contest for some old samples, or maybe it's just an engaging discussion about a new figure that nobody has seen yet.

    For me, it really comes down to this. Regardless of what it is, quality content should always get a proper response. If you truly feel like you are offering quality and exclusive content to the community, and not getting an engaging response, I think that is the time to think about moving on from the community. In the meantime, I hope to see more!
    Rich likes this.
  21. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    MVH toys thread
    Alright, I think everything is clear enough. Post or don’t post and stop trying being a little I FART A LOT with a skinned knee. Got it !
  22. Sir Trog

    Sir Trog Fresh Meat

    Nov 21, 2018
    MVH toys thread
    New guy here. Your toys are a big part of the reason I'm on this board or in this hobby. I spent I-don't-know-how-many hours trying to cobble together information to get started from instagram posts and random blogs. This board is THE place for collectors new and old and I think it'd be sad if it lost your unique voice.

    That said, you gotta do you. I hope for my sake that you stay because I think it's awesome you're active in this community but I would understand completely if you decided to go. A lot of people have already said all this better than I'm saying but I'm throwing this out there because most forums are largely lurkers who don't voice their opinions. The people who have an issue with you are always going to be vocal while the rest of us might not feel a need to say anything and this can easily create a one-sided impression on the state of things.

    I hope you're having fun with your latest work!
    Waterbear and Rich like this.
  23. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    Apr 24, 2013
    Hiding in your toy chest
    MVH toys thread
    Whatever people think of your toys or your opinions and ideas you certainly deserve more respect than you've been getting here lately. Not because you make popular toys but because you're a fucking human being with feelings just like everyone else. You shouldn't be treated any better or worse for being toy famous but there will always be people who feel important when they take shots at you and no one here who can actually do anything about it ever will.

    I personally hope you stick around but honestly I can't come up with any reason why you'd actually want to.
  24. Brooklyn_Vinyl

    Brooklyn_Vinyl Line of Credit

    Oct 14, 2013
    Spatula City
    MVH toys thread
    My only $0.02 on the matter is that maybe each release doesn't need it's own thread. It seems like most artists on the board have a thread with their name and then as toys are released they're added to the thread. I think it's nice to have everything in one place.
    Otherwise, I love hearing from artists on this board and feel it can only add to the forum. We may be assholes but in a world of being overly PC and ass kissing it's nice to hear a dose of reality every once in awhile. Keep on keeping on @Rich
    bunnyboy, Beantime, The Moog and 2 others like this.
  25. 3wing

    3wing Addicted

    Dec 28, 2015
    Denver, Colorado
    MVH toys thread

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