Just wanted to thank everyone that helped get my set to its current state. I'm beginning to expand my set from strictly being Mummy Boy and Oozebat and I'll keep updating as I get new vinyl toys. If anyone would like to help I updated my wants list and the link is in my signature. This BEAST just greeted me at the door. Looks more evil than the cuddly pics I always saw. I LOVE these guys! Beautiful Sparkling Custom by Gatchabert from Into the darkness show.
Re: Beginners Set And they all seem to be pointing at the same thing! LOL! I love that Dust Bin(?) version. I don't own and MBs, but that one is on my 'to buy" list.
Re: Beginners Set Yeah that Dust Brain one is a favorite of mine the colors are just perfect on that red vinyl.
Re: Beginners Set a Month in! For 1 month that sure looks good. Great start! Like Lalo said, I too wish I was as focused when I started. Just wait until you step outside of the mummy boy world. Oh wait, I see you got some ooze bats too. And so it begins...
Re: Beginners Set a Month in! Oh believe me I know it began. Just look at my wants. Once I updated that, I was like "Oh crap here we go," as if i was bracing myself for a rollercoaster ride.
Re: Beginners Set a Month in! Better add this guy to your list, unless you're going to SDCC. Nice growing collection.
Re: Beginners Set a Month in! Oh I haven't forgotten about that one for a second! But it pains me to say I'm not going to SDCC. So I'm gonna have to hope I can buy it off someone after the event, along with the Oozebat and the Vampire Rose .
Re: Beginners Set a Month in! been out of the loop for awhile and totally wish i didn't miss that ooze bat. looks like the best one so far. i don't collect mummy boys, but this grouping is damn impressive! oh yeah, and spectre rules.
Re: Beginners Set a Month in! sweetness. thanks for the heads up. being out of the loop for awhile means places like rotofugi slip my mind.
Re: Beginners Set a Month in! that is a great collection for a month on here, i would hate to see what it looks like after a year hahahaha, well i am guessing you bank account will hate it nice MB collection
Re: Beginners Set a Month in! I actually got it for Lalo, but now I see why he loves these things. Was hoping to leave this post just there waiting for him to find the pics but that guy works fast! Oh and quote from Lalo, "Joe got pwned back!"