My robot is suicidal...

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by REdYOdA, May 16, 2010.

  1. REdYOdA

    REdYOdA Comment King

    Jul 30, 2008
    San Francisco
    My robot is suicidal...
    This just happened and I'm totally heartbroken :(

    It's just so odd how it happened that I wanted to share and give warning...

    I was in the living room working on my PC with the music turned off, enjoying some peace and quiet, when I hear this drill like sound in the hallway and then a crash!
    I jump up to see what happened, this...


    My Dino-Robot turned itself on (it has a slider switch in back that was fully in the off position...I checked) and walked off the ledge of the shelf I had it on. I should of had it in an enclosed case I case of earthquake. Lesson learned.


    Has anyone had a battery operated device turn itself on like this? Very weird.
    I will definitely be storing toys like this without their batteries inside. I would imagine that it would be best anyhow to avoid battery leakage.

    The good news is it's a clean break and I will be able to repair it...but as you know it will greatly devalue it. I never planned on selling it...but a real bummer nonetheless.

    Take the batteries out of your toys when not in use boys and girls.
  2. mondocoyote

    mondocoyote Comment King

    Jun 5, 2006
    Chigasaki, Japan
    My robot is suicidal...
    Was this a new addition? Could some of older toys have been getting jealous?
  3. REdYOdA

    REdYOdA Comment King

    Jul 30, 2008
    San Francisco
    My robot is suicidal...
    Yeah pretty much...I've had him for about 6-7 months. A Marmit King Ghidorah was standing behind him...and he does have bad disposition.

    Here's Dino Robot in happier days...
  4. MicromanZone

    MicromanZone Addicted

    Jun 16, 2008
    My robot is suicidal...
    Weird. But if there is a spring in the mechanism or something "spring like" in the switch, this is completely plausible. Creepy but plausible.
  5. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    Jul 1, 2006
    My robot is suicidal...
    a demon spirit lives inside. look for a note.
  6. il_muffino

    il_muffino Addicted

    Jun 6, 2007
    San Francisco
    My robot is suicidal...
    I have heard of this. This is true.

  7. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Aug 13, 2007
    My robot is suicidal...
    THAT is fucking tragic. My condolences, man.

    So, I'm a big Doctor Who fan...having grown up watching the classic episodes on PBS. Well, years ago, I picked up a couple of Product Enterprise's Talking Daleks. Pretty sweet toys if you love Daleks, by the way.

    Well, one night, one of 'em decided to lose its fucking mind. Gods, it still sends chills down my spine. I sleep kinda at 3 or 4 in the morning, when the little genocidal fucker decided to start belting out shrill-as-fuck lines like "Daleks rule supreme" and "Seek, locate, annihilate", woke up in thorough panic.

    It wasn't like it started running through each phrase, one immediately after the other. It would shriek one out...wait a minute or two, and belt out the next one. When I first woke up, I thought I was sorta dreaming...and I definitely was barely conscious. The next scream came moments later...and lemme tell ya, the fear I felt was NOT like being startled--like when a friend jumps out from around a corner to surprise you. Oh fuck no. It was PURE visceral terror. I swear to fucking god...first of all, I didn't *really* know where I was because I was still barely awake from having been in deep sleep. My heart started pounding and adrenaline started coursing through my system. It was pitch-fucking-black and I felt like a mouse cornered by a python. I was totally glued to the bed...under the covers...about to die.

    Thank the fuck christ, by the time the 3rd or 4th shriek came, my senses started to return. I realized that that sound of the End Times was actually the fucking Dalek toy in the other room (yeah, they're that loud!). I got up, almost fell on my fucking dick like a drunk asshole, and fumbled for a gods damned screwdriver...still in the pitch dark...'cause, yeah, the fucking toy requires a screw to be removed to yank the fucking batteries.

    I finally got my ass back to bed--wide awake and plenty annoyed--and I realized my then-girlfriend didn't even stir one damn bit through the whole episode. I FART A LOT.
  8. REdYOdA

    REdYOdA Comment King

    Jul 30, 2008
    San Francisco
    My robot is suicidal...
    Yikes! I think that would freak anyone out...especially with the creepy Dalek voice! Now if these toys make a peep with no batteries in them...we should get the fuck out of dodge and send them to Joe...he'll know what to do.
    I'm a light sleeper as well, if mine made that sound and then crashed it definitely would have woke me up and I would of run all kinds of crazy scenarios thru my half asleep head as to how it happened...ghosts, demons, my ex-girlfriend,...Aliens?
    Reminds me of the scene in Close Encounters when all of the toys light up and move around.
    Well, on the bright side....your Dalek didn't take a flying leap.

    stupid possessed toys.
  9. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Feb 21, 2006
    My robot is suicidal...
    I had some "World of Springfield" Simpsons characters set up in the dioramas and they'd occasionally start talking on their own.

    Also, when I first started dating my wife I was staying the night at her apartment and the smoke detector started beeping in the middle of the night. I took it off the wall and took the battery out and it kept beeping! We eventually gave up and took it down to the laundry room and stuck it behind one of the washing machines so we could go back to sleep. This also happened with the smoke detectors in our house a few months after moving in. They all went off simultaneously at 6am on a Saturday, and we have like 7 throughout the house! And our ceilings are 10' high so I couldn't just stand on a chair to take them all down. After maybe 10 minutes they finally stopped, and then all went off again a few minutes later. Once I finally got them all of the walls I took the batteries out of all of them, but one of them kept beeping (not blaring, just the beep/pause/beep low-battery alert). I'm thinking that they must have some back-up battery in them? Whatever it is, it's annoying and freaky. That may have been one of the most terrifying experiences of my life.

    Unrelated, but there are also some metal detectors that I set off without fail. Whenever I go to Powell's Books I have to explain to any near-by employees that I will set off their detector as I arrive/leave. (Something about my smoke detectors made me think of this.)
  10. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

    Oct 22, 2007
    My robot is suicidal...
    My daughters old baby toys go off every now and then...a womans voice saying "let's play!"....... or another woman with a British accent counting "one one one" over and over....maddening.
  11. REdYOdA

    REdYOdA Comment King

    Jul 30, 2008
    San Francisco
    My robot is suicidal...
    That's actually pretty sweet. I don't think I'd be freaked at all if I heard Homer say "mmmm....beeeerrr" out of the blue :lol:
    Now that's creepy! Sounds like something Chucky would say :twisted:

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