Sometime in 2008 we had 5 or 6 of these boxed in S7. They sat in the case for 4 or 5 months. Then one day a gentleman walked in and bought them all. Boom all gone.
That ZZ-6 is the SHIT. A big giant rock-fist that shoots missiles - if that wasn't invented by a seven-year-old, it should have been. It's also why I wanted a Mad Baron so bad.
thanks for the scan of the jumbo machinder villians COOP. the pic of lensari answers a question some of us had about what it actually shot out of its hand. i talked to a guy who owned one and he thought it shot discs. kingboy is right about the suitcase full of weapons. that is bad ass and i should have bought one when i had the chance to get it cheap. great pics COOP, you make me want to get all of them and build a plexiglass display to hang on my wall.
I dunno. I've never seen another one myself, but when I got it, (in Japan, years ago) I don't think that I paid very much for it.
They're somewhat rare - one of the harder ones to find, but not impossible. They do command a pretty good price compared to most others of these accessories.
This picture has been seen before and really doesn't say much about what Lensari shoots since they are all prototypes. Notice Garada and Green Ghost don't have the chest cannons and Rokuron's heads are wrong, etc... I still think Lenzari shoots discs, too.
Huh. This is odd.. My friend Mike just pointed something out to me about that catalog image. If you compare it to the images of the villains on the box, all of the characters appear to be the exact same images in both pictures.....except for Garada K7. I wonder why? A very minor thing, but adds just a little bit more mystery to the toy.... LOL Here's the box...
Wasn't the Lensari at the con boxed? Unless you're talking about another that I didn't hear about.. The one at Jyarinco was loose... (and a fucking steal.... )
Beautifull stuff COOP ... this image is so drool worthy. Had a some boxed fist attatchments a while ago but stupidly sold most of them I only have a XX-5 left.
XX9 and ZZ 5 are my favourites. Whatever the big technocolor goofy rod is I don't know but the Meteor launch is brilliant!
The zz9 is has a small light on a piston which is driven by a knob. You turn the knob and it moves the light up and down through the clear-stickered rainbow chamber. One of my favorites, as well.
Heh...I always wished GM's Mazinger Blade wasn't so...puny. I know: cue the phallic symbolism jokes! Still need a Scramble Dash for my GM...
Coop, what is the purpose of the metal bar in the front of the Fortress? Any does anyone know what XX-8 shoots? The commercial link above shows what looks like garbage hanging out the front. Is that a net? EDIT: From the Wildtoys site: I guess you could conceivably make a net out of this - replace the yarn with a net connected to all 3 balls and pretend you are on Planet of the Apes!