I was wondering if anyone could help me with my first ever custom endevor. I have a 12" Marmit Sky Deviler I am looking to strip and paint, only problem is I've never done this before. I was wondering what would work best? The figure is mostly dark colored (Blue and green) and I would like to completely strip the overspray and the base paint. Feel free to email me or PM me with tips, or post them here, whatever tickels your pickle.
i swear to god, everyone's internet must be broken today. and i just checked, my balls are doing fabulous.
The same ebay seller that sent me a grip of Smoguns saran-wrapped together threw in this poor pocket Globby. Now this was not entirely random. I bought a Gargamel x Charactics Globby In a Plane from the same seller a while back, and he did not send the legs the first go round. He sent the legs with this shipment, plus this poor little fellow below. I *think* it's the milky vinyl release, painted over with sparkle metallic silver/blue, painted over with a thick coat of primer or house paint.
Gosh, You hate to see this type of thing. I had to get scrub off a glow in the dark PK Space Ree someone tried to muck up with acrylics. Used rubbing alcohol to get it going, but took forever to get it out of the nooks and crannies. I wonder if this little buddy stands a chance?
Don’t get me wrong, I love acrylics. They’re inexpensive and easy to use. I just don’t think acrylics fit on sofubi. It feels like more of a resin thing.
Oh yeah, nothing against acrylics, in general. It’s just all wrong for a vinyl. Doesn’t actually bond well, so it easily scratches or peals off, yet ironically is harder to get all of it off because solvents won’t strip it very well… just gets gooey.
People will prime vinyl to get the acrylic to stick to the surface. Then have to clear it. Sometimes you’ll see that the paint will crack off the toy like a M&M. All the different mediums make those toys really hard to get clean.