WE ARE ON! Starting at 12 Noon. First come first serve. Lottery entries will be taken until 2PM...and then we draw! ---- Items will be available in store first...online probably around 1 or 2pm Central Time....thanks! EDIT...leftovers will be online sometime more like 4 or 5 pm. Lottery is IN-STORE ONLY.
UPDATE: RxH stuff still hasn't arrived....I fear it has fallen into a black hole. The supervisor at the post office that I spoke to told me that our carrier has a "truck full" of packages to deliver today. I'm giving him until 8pm before I call off the event. In the event that we have to postpone we'll likely reschedule for the following Saturday, but I'll post more when I have an answer.
UPDATE TWO... WE ARE ON! Starting at 12 Noon. First come first serve. Lottery entries will be taken until 2PM...and then we draw!
Thanks to all the SB'ers who came out today...bonus hardcore points to ajb603 and thedrizzle for hanging out in the cold before opening time. Our leftover items are online now in the KAIJU SECTION of our store.... Also, we will have the Baby Mutant Heads available IN-STORE tomorrow starting at 12noon....and then online, if any are left, around 5pm. Sorry, they arrived late.