Skullbrain X Release 05: Mutant Vinyl Hardcore 10th Anniversary Commemorative Toys The fifth release is here! From Mutant Vinyl Hardcore comes the Skullbrain X Doji San (aka Canary Larry)! Cast in yellow vinyl with beautiful sprays, this guy is exclusively available to Skullbrainers. Limited to only 5 available! To be as fair as possible, each Skullbrain X release will be sold via lottery. In order to be eligible, members must have at least 25 posts on the forum prior to entering the lottery. Be on the lookout for info on how to enter in the next week. UPDATE: Check out the Skullbrain X Lotteries forum to enter!
These teasers would be amazing if they were on time. I thought it was supposed to a toy a month starting in October 2015.
Perfect word choice! I don't disagree. Just feeling a little antisocial tonight, I'm sure it will pass by tomorrow.
Well if we are going to open it up to and other [non-S7] platforms, then I will chime in with my open proposal, for a Marusan/Bullmark classic Goji, done in the S7 colour scheme of light blue on flesh vinyl base (a la Toygraph mini, M1 Gorgo, Megaro-Goji) or maybe a Hawaii-style tribute. BUT, if I had to put in a request for one of my all-time dream wishes, it would be for a jumbo machinder style Mechagodzilla, in classic missile-firing colourway. Ah, visions of a sublime heaven...