excellent news!! looks like we both got our wish now i just hope that at least one of those "beyonders" make it to a shelf near me.
I don't own any resin, and the only one I'd ever want to own this is that brainfrog thing...that kicks so much ass!
that's emilio garcia's red jumping brain from the rgb series. he's doing cmyk for this show... and here's cris rose's robo customs of okkle's birdlett
Reminds me of the old Ghostbusters 'monsters' for some reason. The brandnew Arbito dude on the far right looks like a strange hamburger! Cool previews so far.
here are pics of the show setup + figures. i didn't get to take any pics at the opening last night, but should have some soon, including video. was a crazy night, in the best of ways http://www.flickr.com/photos/31337257@N ... 682108418/ there are a number of figures still available - i'll be putting them online tomorrow
Some really awesome figures left for sale from the Resin Collective Show. Up for sale now. http://www.redhotrobot.net/Current_Show_s/37.htm
So, my figures never made it to the show, Im so bummed. I only hope they show up in one piece, this sucks.
the mutant massacre figs were last tracked in colorado - hopefully they will show up this week. once they do, i will take pics, put up online and post here