@akum6n I feel like if the grey were to get smoke damaged the white teeth would too, no? I think both versions you two have posted are rare escapees!
@xSuicide Squadx That's kinda what I'm running with in my head. I picked up a matt black Brain (same as the Obake Ghost and Astro Brain) via Mandarake from one of my early Tokyo trips and have a suspicion that's a similar deal. Either factory or shady SB staff selling covertly . . . who knows. @akum6n Smells just like the monochrome. No smoke, no chemicals. I love the smell of fresh sofubi in the mornings! (What's the base vinyl on the brown dude you have?
Just to clarify my earlier post, if there is no smoke smell, I also think Andy's Bee is a paint sample or something similar. My comment was more to note that smoke discoloration can take on the appearance of paint/dye under certain circumstances. The painted surfaces on my example didn't seem obviously discolored, just the bare vinyl. It also came with a couple of blank white Bees that had been smoked into a lovely ivory color. @Anti Social Andy I haven't opened up my brown Bee... not sure if I am that curious.
Came across this on MANDARAKE.... https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order...20711140&ref=list&keyword=secret base&lang=en
Got gifted the guy on the right a few years ago, and having never seen the unsplattered version out in the wild, figured it was a no-hoper . . . until last week!
2023 seems to be the year of Skullbee-twinning. Did anyone ever get to the bottom of these non-production clear with glitter dudes? (I recall there were other colours out there too right?)
Nice! A steal on those. I think @living dead has multiple that were posted in the SB collection thread
never got any firm answers and the "truth" is lost in translation sometimes with hiddy. while i have a yellow one i am once again smitten with your red. i feel like i might have seen a purple one too but not 100% sure memory is accurate...? maybe blue as well...?
I’ve held the purple myself, so it definitely exists. I’ve seen the yellow, but never that red before, and it’s still very vibrant! It’s kinda cool there’s still unknown lore with some of these fighters after all this time.
The glitter Bees come in red, yellow, blue and purple. I haven't seen any other colors out there. Sometimes I have seen them come with a Secret Base sticker on the foot. I'm not sure why some have this and some do not.
Do you think we will ever see another Pushead toy released by Secret Base? I feel like it’s been a couple years at this point since the last one..
it will just be skullwings and hp's from here on unless hiddy changes his tune over fight toys in general
I guess this must be from HALLOWEEN 2011. Collab between Secret Base and UO Koubou. I don't think I've seen others from this run. Are they all Halloween themed?
@akum6n Dude…WHAT?! Gah, this is a dream Obake Dog!!! Mr. UO of Cure Toy did some pretty wonderful one offs. Scott(havingmysay) has one where there Boogie bones in the arm and ribs where he cut out holes in the body. And I had a Goner Dog he’d drawn on and airbrushed, but I didn’t wanna dig a deeper hole with collecting Obake Dogs.
Oh, I totally did not realize UO is the Cure guy. Now that I look at it, the pumpkin face has a similar style to the Spooky Boogie head. Thank you for the background info!
@akum6n Mr. UO is Cure Toy, indeed! I actually visited his studio and hung out with him during my two month excursion in Japan in 2015. Very, very cool dude. Much younger than I expected. He gifted me an uncut yellow glow Obake Dog head once he saw how deep my collection runs. If I still have the photos I took during my visit I’ll bring them to this thread. They were originally taken and posted for the Lulubell blog. This one you have is incredibly special, and I’m thankful you’ve taken to share it with us here!
I keep telling myself that I don't need more Obake Dogs... and definitely not 2 from the same release. But I can't say no to these Inazuma Obake Dogs with outfits made from vintage Peanuts sheets (they remind of the awesome B-man Skull Brain with the inner plush made from Batman sheets, which unfortunately never seems to come up these days). The red head one has a really unique look, and the other one had a nice print on the back of its hoodie. So add 2 more to the growing army. Help.
It's a rabbit hole I've managed to all but avoid (Zipfaces aside), but I was curious where these guys ended up. You have some fast-fingers!