SF horror film fest takes inspiration from SB?

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by skylar, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    in my daily perusal of all things horror I found this horror film fest taking place in SF and some of their poster art looks suspiciously like it could have been influenced by a certain Madball figure.

    do the guys behind it post here? just curious

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    damn that does look suspiciously like a madball mantis...
  3. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    ...maybe with a dash of this guy thrown in...

  4. lulubell

    lulubell Addicted

    There is a deep well of horror to drawl images from. I think this one is purely by chance.
  5. hypermook

    hypermook Addicted

    Yeah, SB didn't invent two-headed or one-eyed monsters.

    I always thought this graffiti in my neighborhood was SB influenced:

  6. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    I remember way back around the time when Vulcan stole fire and Jove got all hissy about it, we had this puppy named Cerebus. Sucker had three heads and could bark in harmony with himself. I'm pretty sure neither Hiddy nor film festivals existed yet. Still, it's fun to speculate, and I have to admit that when I first saw that poster, I also thought "madball mantis." :)

    I apologize for posting a picture from The Phantom Menace. At least it wasn't that "meesa okie day" newt.

    "Two-headed dog,
    Two-headed dog.
    I've been workin' in the Kremlin with a two-headed dog."
    -Roky Erikson
  7. RubyLee

    RubyLee Fresh Meat

    Madball was my 1st Secret Base figure....now I only collect SkullWings and Pirates,but still love my Madball
  8. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Madball Mantis is the best SB sculpt IMO, the only SB I want one day.
  9. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    I'm not accusing anyone of ripping anyone else off or anything. I think it's great.

    just curious as to see if that was truly the inspiration. thought it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for one/all of the people involved with the poster to be board members, especially since they're from SF and one of the people involved with the film fest is August Ragone.

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