A few questions.. http://snakesofinfinity.com/ 1) Will Dr. Killgore ever be made? 2) I know that the oozebat is a different body then the other zombies..but I recall somewhere that another zombie head was going to get their own body. Is this still in the works? 3) Will s7 ever release a set that in all the same colors? I know there have 4 orange ones (zag zombie, stomp and squirm, hood zombie) but will the others be released in orange?
a colorway for all zombies would be amazing! or some type of running theme, like sb's voodoo, rangers, secreters, etc.
Was just talking about this Saturday with some people. I'd really love an entire SOI set in the same colorway as the ssss Mongolion or the Visighost that was just released.
Maybe I'm wrong but it seemed like with the exception of Stomp, response to the S.O.I. figures (and fight figures in general) didn't seem to be all that "big." Same with the Ghostland series. My impression was that the emphasis has gone to the Monster Family line as it has found broader reception. Some of you might remember the Spike and Shard silhouettes. Never to see the light of day!
That's the Catch-22, isn't it? For the sake of Super7's prosperity and with respect and affection for the Monster Family artists, you want the line to thrive. For the "KR nonsense at Skullbrain" aspect, you want to bitchslap a few n00bs.
Thanks for that image Dean - I'd not seen that. Shard especially looks like he could be a great figure. I'm all over the Mongolions and the Ghostland Visighosts (the figure I have the most versions of - I think it's 7 now). I really like Stomp but I just haven't found the colorway that speaks to me - maybe the Taigon version or maybe I need to seek out an unpainted. Squirm - I really have no excuse on that one. I like several of the releases (especially the Ikageruge tribute). I just haven't got around to picking one up. Yes, another vote for SOI.
new bodies for the zombies, you say? that's something i'd love to see as well. i also really liked the escargooze mash-up the le merde recently & would love to see a production version... maybe for a josh/chanmen show.
I also agree that we need more SOI. I love the Zombies and I still don't have a Zag head because the only 1 I could readily get a hold of was the Orange 1 and I didn't really care for that colorway. Not a fan of Stomp but the 2 unreleased on the wall paper look very cool. I really like Squirm and haven't seen a a new release in who knows how long. Also love Mongolian. I think a set like the SB Voodoo set would be fantastic and the secret figure should be 1 of those unreleased figures or an unseen mashup. I would love to see a production EscaregOoze.
I hope we see all of these questions addressed this year. Monster Family is great, but I need some more fight figs in my life. I'd still like to see a Mongolion in the Halloween set colorway.
THE SNAKES OF INFINITY HAVE BEEN RESURRECTED!!!!! New release of Escaregot and Zombeard at DCon 2019! Escaregot is the centerpiece of my collection and the toy that started it all for me and I NEARLY MISSED THIS RELEASE. I didn't know about this release beforehand since it seemed to only be announced in an Instagram post. I got some time away from my booth on Sunday and walked around, and just-so-happened to pass the Super7 booth. I literally couldn't believe my eyes! So glad there was some Escaregot left. It's badass!! Can't believe they're back!!!!
I grabbed an Escaregot as soon as I spotted them as well. I hope the leftover Zombeards go online cause I’d LOVE to have one. 2019: The Return Of The Fight Figure!! Couldn’t be happier. Fight Figures NEVER Dead!
I picked up the Escaregot when the remaining stock was put online. The masking and more complex free sprays over GID really make this figure shine. Regretting my pass on the Zombeard.