^^^Great catch! The warm nights have been fantastic! I wish I could've slept in the garden the past few nights (too many bugs! also, someone posted on nextdoor.com that a mountain lion has been sighted twice, jumping neighborhood garden fences ). It's rare not to have cold windy nights here, and the warm air has been fantastic. The extended thunder storms were a real treat too! This morning, was hot hazy sunny (particulates blown into the Bay Area atmosphere from the S. Cal fires?), super humid too! Then all of a sudden, we had a huge wind storm, and the sky turned totally black (really dark ). No rain this time, just dark and windy. *Just got a phone alert. Possible mandatory outages from 8/17 - 8/20, due to high electricity use
PG&E shut off our power for a few hours on Friday and I just got the same alert. Unfortunately, I have a feeling we'll be looking at outages for the next couple of months. Very disruptive for those of us who are working from home and have children home schooling.
Level 3 storm rolling in and presently clobbering the Bay Area! An "atmospheric river" is socking us with heavy rain, strong wind gusts, and super chilly temperatures! Snow found on the higher peaks as well. Stay safe out there and drive carefully! The feral kittees seem to sense nasty weather was coming, and they all piled into the basement at 2:00 pm yesterday afternoon, when the rain started. The super cold temps (44F but air temp felt like 33F, due to the wind and dampness) convinced them that a heated basement with fleece lined box beds, lots of food and water, was a better place to ride out the storm https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/atmospheric-river-San-Francisco-Bay-Area-images-15899525.php https://abc7news.com/rain-coming-to-bay-area-california-weather-storm-timeline/10016903/
The 12/31/22 storm was a doozy! Had to drive out on the highway and at times it was super scary! Massive flooding turned highways into rivers. 101 was even closed off in some segments. +5 inches of rain in 24 hours, record breaking rains! https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/historic-rainfall-brings-san-francisco-to-its-knees/#app Crazy weather!
Damned, it’s wet. Hope you’re all safe, dry and powered where you are. Alameda and Contra costa are under flooding alert ?!?Nothing notable here though (North Berkeley). Sure hope it stays that way. They say it’s gonna get worst again Monday. … I’ll go check my gutter now… this weekend will be baking, dusting toys and beers for me.
Hope everyone is safe, warm, and dry . These storms have been a doozy and the torrent of water we've been receiving is stressful, especially for property owners and people who are driving on the roads. The BIG plus, is that the rains have brought our reservoir levels up immensly! Don't relax yet, we've still got some catching up to do, but it's amazing how much water these storms have given us. The snow pack levels are also up too! Reservoir Levels https://cdec.water.ca.gov/resapp/RescondMain More data! https://cdec.water.ca.gov/snowapp/sweq.action https://www.americangeosciences.org...-map-water-levels-major-reservoirs-california
Another 48hrs+ of storms on the horizon, and two more next week. Forecast beyond that a week is clear. Probably no ARkStorm this year: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARkStorm https://www.usgs.gov/programs/science-application-for-risk-reduction/science/arkstorm-scenario
I look forward to having a few days next week when my garage can dry out, I have my repair work cut out for me.