There were a lot of rockets made. Same style with tons of different characters litho'd on to them. It was done a lot with cars, trucks, buses, rockets, planes, etc. Anything that coud become a character platform eventually did. I suppose that KR tin is nice, if you like that sort of thing.......
"Who makes these"? Gatchabert... Masudaya | Modern Toys | M-T The T is above the M in a squat diamond logo. Started in 1923, Masudaya was a leading builder of mechanical and battery operated toys in the post war period to this day. Masudaya normally identifies their toys using the M-T, or Modern Toys logo. They make many of the character rockets. My Getta 1 rocket is made by them.
"Fucking A, Josh. You have the wrong head on, though". Yeah, well, call me crazy , but I just thought it best to not try to put the mask over the face and risk damage to either part. Kaman Rider likes to chill sometimes too man. Its hot under that mask.
Thanks for posting this! I found the headless car at an antique store for $12; but could never locate the head. With three different Nutty Mad car types, I wasn't sure what the complete vehicle looked like.
wow ! amazing pick up josh . i need a better education on japanese tin so keep posting and explaining .
Resurrecting a thread with a new addition to the collection. Only the second one I have seen MIB. Lost out on the first one 3 times since 2004! Had some toy karma left to score this I guess. This is the first version KR with the non removable helmet. Angel, as far as I know made only this and the version 2 which I posted earlier in the thread. They did however make another KR tin toy, a flying figure with wheels. Still waiting for it in the mail, but am excited to reunite him with his brother.
i have this reccuring dream that when josh acquires the last toy that he needs for his collection, the tin tower of babel will fall, and armageddon will ensue. oh, BTW,awesome toy !
Re: Ogon Bat "i have this reccuring dream that when josh acquires the last toy that he needs for his collection, the tin tower of babel will fall, and armageddon will ensue. oh, BTW,awesome toy !" Thanks Jim, but I think this one takes the place as my favorite new find. Just picked this up and waiting to drive out and get it next weekend. It is made by Normura in 1966 and is about 11 inches tall. The box made me cry a little it is so beautiful. One of my all time favorite tins made period.
I still don't know how you manage to find these toys most of the time, but the fact that they always have mint boxes is even more mind boggling. i will need to check this one out at some point, I'll bring a face mask and white gloves