Tokyo Toy Fest exclusives!

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by CCPfan, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. miami

    miami Comment King

    I just hope you got to use that mask/head for Halloween!

    Speaking of which, we had a Japanese family (husband, wife, 10-year-old daughter) among our guests for Halloween Wednesday night, and as usual we spent the evening trying to terrify the children who came for candy (dark indoors, Bach D-minor organ toccata booming out the front windows, scary-constumed guests peeking out windows, a gathering of the insane behind the designated candy-distributor discussing appropriate methods to cook each child, etc.) I fear that our Japanese visitors decided that we were surpassingly strange, and probably dangerous to their child.

    Finally, put me in that (long, fidgety) line hunting for the GID Sky Deviller too - I like (and bought) the first one, but this one kills. Why-O-Why would they only make 30 of a bound-to-be-popular GID version? (Sound effect of rending hair and garments.)

  2. poysntixels

    poysntixels Post Pimp

    Oh yeah. Jomon pottery is so far the oldest known ceramic tradition in the world. Some pcs. may be as old as 12000 years. Another first for Japan! It is far more interesting than the yayoi period stuff that came after.
    Any hints or numbers, anything about availability would be appreciated. My little collection is all over the map, but this is a major obsession for me in and out of the toy thing.
    My apologies to all for jerking back to prior page. Happy Belated Samhain miami!
  3. KaijuZoo

    KaijuZoo Toy Prince

    Some nice pics to share (albeit about a month late) but I finally got in my long lost glowie Marmit Sky Deviler from the 10.28.07 Tokyo Toy Fest. Well worth the wait though, it's ONE SWEET TOY and this GLOWIE version is limited to only 30 figures.
    More pics on my website and ordering info if still interested ...

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