I personally really like this homage. It’s fun, and I think the paint all is represented well to the source, while also being distinctive to their aesthetic. And since I’ve held the toy, and do like it a lot, I don’t find the price off putting.
This thread is a perfect example of why I'm so hesitant to post about new toys. I see new stuff I really like on Japanese or Chinese blogs or on IG and my first instinct is to snag the pics and the story to share with people here. Then I stop and think about how at least half of the reaction will be totally negative. Either because the toy reminds people of another toy or the sculpt is too detailed or it was just pulled in the wrong country. I would feel horrible if the people behind the toy came here and saw all that hate just because I felt the need to share. At the same time it would be cool to see this place more active again instead of resorting to just instagram where it's rare to see even one full sentence these days. So I remain torn but I really do appreciate when you take the time to share stuff.
@Waterbear Honestly, and frankly, I knew what I was potentially getting into when I wanted to bring this toy here. I know there’s harsh criticisms, constructive or otherwise, but conversations nonetheless. And I like, that, even with opinions ranging from “eh” to despise, it’s still being discussed. That’s what I like! I can totally be into something, but part of it, for me at least, is also hearing why someone might not, or even outright hate it. Full disclosure: the artists involved have seen this thread, and it hasn’t shaken them a bit. They’re both very positive dudes, and any and all critiques, good and bad, only serve to push them both creatively. And I admire that about them.
Just showed my significant other pics of this guy, asked if it was “a potato with chips sticking out of it?”
The world would be a very boring place if we all liked the same shit, but by the same token . . . everyone is entitled to an opinion. I'm sure these are stand-up guys, but hopping onto the toy-bandwagon with another schlock-horror offering to exercise their demons seems kinda contrived and (IMO) paint only adds to the kindergarten art-class vibe of the blank. Unlike the Karma Douro that you posted around the same time which has a cool aesthetic and brings something new to the party.
I agree that opinions coming from all sides are important, especially in a forum setting such as Skullbrain. Not all input will be positive, but not all should be wielding flaming pitchforks either. Then again, the name of the company is “Trash Talk Toys.”
I am trying to limit the amount of negativity I spew out these days, and I appreciate someone having the passion to take a toy to completion in the vinyl toy medium. But the sculpt looks unfinished, period. If it's something I feel I could personally create with my utter lack of artistic talent, I'm not interested in paying for it. Compare this to the the Ilu Ilu Vinydum, probably the source of their inspiration in part. They are just worlds away in every aspect. And not in a good way. As per my usual disclaimer, opinions are the true equivalent of assholes ( * ). Everybody be havin' one.
This is a fair assessment! However, I’ve taken into account, that, this may have been exactly what they wanted it to be, or, at the very least, the most they were capable of. There’s definitely a few sculpts that I feel are just lazy smushes of texture on humanoid formed bullshit, but they’re some of the most sought after toys in existence. That’s where the subjectivity lies! And even more so, where I love the idea of discussion!!! I don’t think anyone should limit the scope of their opinions, but there’s definitely a difference between “this is what I think about it(bad or worse)” and just being a straight up asshole that’s teetering on personal attacks over a sculpt.
btw I was just asking, that was in no order. cause lets be real, I'd marry funko pops over those two any day!
I like the discussion, honestly. It makes me really analyze what it is about certain toys that I do like, and what I don't enjoy at all. It's so easy to see a toy and just go "I LOVE IT, WANT" on a place like Instagram, but to actually critique a toy here gets your mind really running. What works? What doesn't? What makes "a good toy?"
Super Festival 81 sales on June 30, 2019. Both unpainted and painted were for sale. Per TTT Instagram: The debut sculpts of ちっちゃい怪獣(Tiny Monster), 流星恐竜(Meteor Dino) and バブルガムベア(Bubble Gum Bear). These are the debut for our first Atomic Peace Patrol Kaiju series.
I mean, the middle toy is a loose homage Garamon, so it makes sense. The left is Booska, and I honestly can’t quite say what the right is after off the top of my head. Lots of artists have done Garamon/Pigmon tributes: Shirahama, Grody, Splurrt, Bemon, MVH, Rampage Toys. It’s an iconic and classic character, and I know one half of TTT is a huge fan of classic and vintage kaiju sofubi. I think these are pretty great.