I gave my recommendations over on the roto forums...but since I see you're considering Geja's I'll throw 2 cents in here too.... We went a few years ago and enjoyed it. Decent food and fondue can be romantic...but I suspect that place will be a ZOO on Val Day. Plus I left there feeling kinda greasy because of all the hot oil spattering all over the place, I guess that could be a good or a bad thing depending on your mindset. My vote...go to Geja's some other time.
You can order in a heart-shaped pizza from Father and Son! That's what I always did with my wife, neither of us "believe" in V-day but still feel somewhat obliged to celebrate it just a little in a fun way. They also have bat-shaped- pizzas round' Halloween.
OH GAWD! I know! This is what I tell ladies in my office when they get shocked me and my wife really don't do anything for either holiday "Every day with me is like Valentines (or) Sweetest Day!"
HAHAHA thats classic.... Damn the Hallmark Holiday's. If only my girlfriend was a collector, then we could save and spend it on toys.
Here is a Wiki definition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweetest_Day My definition: A Hallmark Holiday; a made up, corporate holiday that encourages you to spend money on junk in order to raise revenue.
My big problem w/Sweetest day is that we already had a "love" holiday. I don't mind fake holidays, they can be fun, but we have 2 now so cmon. Why not a second Halloween than? I'd just like a newer theme if we're getting new fake holidays.
Ye enforcing some new holidays like they use to in grade school would be fun. Backwards Day Crazy Hair Day Funny T-Shirt Day
I do HATE "Talk like a pirate day" so contrived. It's like just call it "Pirate Day" all together, but than why not "Robot Day" or "Ninja Day." I just want "Star Wars Day" I don't care how corporate it'd be, at least there'd be no hiding it and I could walk around quoting the OT all day and not be THAT weird.
I don't take my wife out on Valentine's Day. I'm not cheap but I just hate the corporate aspect of it. Instead, I tell my wife something like..."everyday is Valentine's Day married to you".... Got to use the Jedi mind you know.
some of my favorite valentine's days are those where skylar cooked me dinner & we watched movies on the couch. i hate going out on valentine's day. everything it overpriced, overcrowded, and overhyped. i'll take a nice date on the 15th instead.
i hate v day. but the gf loves stuff like that. so that settles that. we're going to this place called sepia. i can only assume they don't have hotwings. boo.