It's typically a sweet-ish relish. No worries, just ask to leave it off...subtractions are usually allowed. Just don't ask for ketchup. Big no no.
OK, Truth time: Being a native Chicago-an my whole life, not NEAR Chicago but IN Chicago......................................................... I like nothing on my hot dogs. Just meat. I'm a bit ashamed. Also I prefer thin crust to deep dish. I think it's cause most lower/middle class families who ordered pizza in Chicago couldn't afford deep dish except for special occasions, so most of us were weened on the thin. OK, now I can live with myself.
Know your pain, man. I'm from Mississippi, and can't stand fried chicken. Happily, I could live for a month on grits, so I wasn't thrown down a well as a child. I do love me a good Chicago dog (double peppers, hold the tomato, sprinkle of celery salt), and happily they are available in Miami, but I have never understood the neon-green relish. I don't mind sweet relish particularly, but only the sausage purveyors ever seem to have that particular color, and the appeal of it utterly escapes me. It's not quite as bad as blue catsup and purple mustard and all those other newfangled kid-oriented oddities, but it's close.
Hey, Winnipeg used to be called Little Chicago 'cuz a bunch of Chicago designers built a bunch of the downtown buildings here. Sooo... can I hang out here? I love those hot dogs, and I also love: Juke Squad!!!
hi chicago people. . . new to SB, but a long-time lurker, and i just wanted to make my first post in the hometown garage - born and raised in the city tho i don't live there anymore. (and a shout out to hotfunk for the Naked Raygun avi !! )
They made them look so good, I saw that. I'll give chicago the hot dog for being really good and you can eat one or two max, rather than like 4 or 5. The deep dish pizza is straight up half assed lasagna though. Houston and chicago have been battling for a while as fattest city, maybe they should cut back stuffing everything all ginormous like. One of my best friends is from chicago, he hates me when I talk bad about it in any way I find it hilarious though. =p
Not even close, man. Good deep dish pizza is nothing like lasagna. Also, it's convenient you failed to mention LA was 5th and 3rd the last 2 years on the "fattest city" list.
as an east coast transplant, i can't say i'm big into the soupy pizza. what really makes me cry is that the midwest insists on cutting its "regular" pizza into squares. which is not convenient. its just square. don't get me wrong. i'll gladly eat the hell out of it. triangles, dude.
No way dude, SQUARES 4 LIFE! They're smaller, and if made into a large triangle wouldn't hold up like NY pizza. Chicagos thin crust or "regular" pizza is an un-sung hero of my life. Chi-town gets all this cred for the deep, but that good ol' thin rules. It's totally different from NY thin crust pizza, which I LOVE, but Chicagos is a bit heavier. Shoot, there I go again, told you, ALL DAY I can go on about Chicago food.
I never liked deep dish until I moved to california. In fact not until last week when I ate at a place called Zacharys in berkeley . Holy fuck. I now love deep dish. Mr flynn also took me to a sausage/hot dog place called rosamundes in the lower haight that was So good. they also have vegan dogs Im sure its poser shit compared to chicago but Id like to officially thank chicago for lowering my life expectancy by that much more.
cheezborgers at Billy Goat Tavern. (someone please tell me it's still there) deep dish was lost on me.
Love dogs, but I saw them manufactured last night on 'How It's Made,' and the shots of the vats of meat-paste, before filling the casings, were bad disgusting. Might have to lay off a while, till that visual memory fades. Maybe I can convince myself that degree of awfulness is only applicable to Canadian dogs.
a few years after the fact here, but these names both register more than the current if i had suggestions i'd be throwing them in - just hate the doubt i get every time i click on the forum