must have missed it, so sorry for asking. remember glenn saying no more preorders, but havent seen any figs in online shop at all.
Does this mean we won't see anymore collabs with RxH and S7? I hope not, because some of the best RxH figs are collabs with you guys.
Brian and Mori agreed to do a few more collabs on our last trip to tokyo. So unless someone or something gets in the way of this happening you should see more S7 vs RxH figs sometime next year. Super7 still loves and supports RxH.
Phew, I was worried for a bit that you guys and RxH had some sort of fall out. It's good to know I was wrong.
Why do I picture a long table with a bunch of people wearing suits sitting around it? And then Lucy Liu gets up and shows everyone a severed head.
I doubt there is a serious problem. It says "User is inactive - Reason: Profile details changed" - I think there have been a couple of people experiencing that very same problem with their accounts due to some glitch in the board's software not too long ago..?
Alternatively he may have been chased out of town by pitchfork wielding locals because of his all seeing third-eye, never to be seen again . . . it's just another of life's great unsolved mysteries . . . .