What's the dope on Zenbu et al?

Discussion in 'Vintage Vinyl' started by Spazmocanulass, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. Spazmocanulass

    Spazmocanulass Fresh Meat

    Jul 2, 2013
    What's the dope on Zenbu et al?
    Ok, It's all coming back to me now...several years ago losing sooo many auctions to a certain bidder at the last moment, oku*** ----and so a little research and now I think I get it.
    So, has anyone ever bid in these zenbu auctions, are the final realized prices much higher than YJA. I'm just wondering if I happen to lose on YJA I might be able to pick the same item up through the subsequent auction...and maybe for less?///maybe?
    -I'm not out flame the guy, free globalized world and all, just want some info. Thanks.
  2. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
    What's the dope on Zenbu et al?
    oku***** is rumored to be Mandarake. I've seen quite a few of the YJA auctions they've won show up on their regular website.They've been out bidding many of us on YJA and seem to be trying to corner the market on many vintage toys. They do sell with a mark up. As far as their Zenbu auctions....I've viewed them but I'm clueless how to bid.

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