Thanks for the comments guys ! I'm really happy to have scored those And unfortunately, Bear Model does not take direct orders.
Upon closer examination, the Silver Robo is actually painted all black on white vinyl O_O! I played with Kumo Kaiju and it can be really turned into a freaky spider !
There's been some Spider releases in the kaiju world already and some are really nasty. Fun anecdote, the week I ordered the Kumo Kaiju, I also won the Tyurantara Blobpus lottery and started reading (again) Salvatore's Dark Elf trilogy. Spider-week ^^.
Could'nt resist multiple-posting this bad bwoy . . . Unpainted Lucky Bag 2009 from Ultraman Ace by Bear Model Thanks to PaulieVinyl for bringing this sculpt to my attention. Bakutari by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr
I've GOT to find a Bakutari now. I'm serious, that is one awesome piece of vinyl! KongRats on the score, Moog.
Mephilas Seijin by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr Mephilas Seijin Omake by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr
What Spectreman figures has Bear Model put out? I am aware of Spectreman Alien Zuno Giragindo Hedoron Kabagon King Bockle Neo Hedoron Norman Satan King Sliver Robo Thunder Gei and Zariganindo Am I missing any?
Oh. Oops. The Monster Spider. That's who I pictured in my head. Where did I get King Bockle from? He's was just up again on the Bear Model page. They don't have a mailing list to alert you of product releases, do they? Anyway, thank so much for confirming my list. Now I know what to inquire about in the Wanted sub-forum section.
Anyone else enter the recent Mandarake lottery for the Darkness Alien Babaru & Super Beast Yunitangu Kunoichi? My toy-karma must be really positive at the moment because I won the set . . . . i may not have any luck with PK lotteries but i seem to fare well with the Mandarake ones By themoogimage at 2012-06-05 By themoogimage at 2012-06-05
I confess I had not even seen that lottery, but wow, congrats on scoring two awesome figures. I really like what Bearmodel is doing with this transparent vinyl. The colours on the Babaru are especially very nice, I love clear vinyl with paint - it's got the best of both worlds.
Congrats on the win Moog. I was going to enter for the Yunitangu Kunoichi but had already entered 3 lottos that day plus made a few purchases. Regretting now that I didn't enter for that sexy 8 breasted monster!
^^^ Yep, cant believe my luck really Makes me wonder if going for the set of two upped my chances of winning - it was a set of two I won last time as well. Makes me curious about Mandarake having a 'special relationship' with Bear Model . . . nearly every Mandarake lottery i can remember has been for Bear Model exclusive colorways . . .
Darkness Alien Babaru by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr Super Beast Yunitangu Kunoichi by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr