These will be my first project entirely designed, sculpted and conceived while living here in Japan. Mold and test pulls should be up next week - PSYCHED! CYCLOPS DINOS! These guys are around 3ish inches (normal mini-sized) and each has 3 or 4 parts. Doing orange, green and purple vinyl off the bat. More info once I get more myself, but here's clay and wax: Bronto-clops (Articulates at the angular base of the neck and the head) Anklyo-clops (joints at head, tail and 'shell') T-clops (Articulates at the head and the vestigial arms)
Finally Jon, I have been eagerly waiting for more news on these guy since those preview shots popped up . They came out so well, and the syle stands out significantly from other dino sculpts. You've given them a sweet cartoony but grown up feel, and as I mentioned before I really see an homage to Gary Larson in there somewhere. The fact that they are minis is awesome, but that they are going to be articulated is even better. I really can't wait to see the test pulls. These are going to be great!!
Thank you everyone! I'm really looking forward to the test pulls - and having a nice heard of Dino beasts emerge from a box in a couple weeks! I'll update as soon as I get info from Tokyo. Steve - I can't stop thinking 'far side' comics now... Maybe there is one that'll work as a header
How does the joint on the Ankylo-clops work? It's an oval. Is it just removable for mixing colors? Sounds look a good idea.
Well, it has the benefit of making painting and mixing-parts easier - but it's primarily to make the toy pullable from the mold. The neck and tail joints are too small to use for pulling the body.
Re: Dinosaurs -test pulls! Just got pictures of the test pulls! Purple, orange and green are being pulled soon.
Re: Dinosaurs -test pulls! White vinyl, yesssss!!! With puple, orange and green on the way, I am thinking a mixed parts might be pretty cool too. Just out of curiosity, is it going to stay at a trio, or will success on these maybe provide the fruits for more bitty dinos?
Re: Dinosaurs -test pulls! Word has it you're a 'really nice' dude Mr Rampage, but these had me checking the calendar to make sure I'd not woken up on April 1st!
Re: Dinosaurs -test pulls! "i think the real dinosaurs that made the oil that made that sofubi are turning over in their graves..."
Re: Dinosaurs -test pulls! Ah snark, such an advanced form of criticism I'll take Harryhausen and anything based in myths of long ago; I'm wholly a fan of eye-stalk monsters in all stripes and strations; and coming up in the age of HAL 9000 I'm completely comfortable with Mecha Gorilla Ju 2 and such-like robots only needing one sensor to get around - it just makes sense - but other than that I've serious beef with cycloptic monsters! These guys are cute as all get out, I love the size and balance, but I'm having a hard time with the zazz-factor of the mono-orb. Although I'd love to hear what Jon has to say about that particular creative choice I'm not about to gob all over the rest of his effort just because I'm prejudiced against illogical paths in special evolution... if your going to be a bea eye tea see aitch be specific!
Re: Dinosaurs -test pulls! They look crude due to level of skill, rather than crude for the sake of being crude (Bemon, for example). Should spend much more time learning to sculpt before actually committing a sculpt to production. Seems like he just wants to rush into toy making rather than taking the time to develop skills. Seems some people like 'em though.
Re: Dinosaurs -test pulls! Ah, Sunday morning - pancakes and coffee and a whole bunch of comments here.... Some good (thank you), and some worth responding to - and then some with a bit less worth than the moments spent typing them Well, I'm going hiking, so this will be brief for the time being. I've been living in Japan for a year now - attending shows, painting A LOT of Sofubi (my own and many others), getting to know A LOT about the Indy vinyl scene/people and pondering what I would do for my next vinyl project. So - a couple points: -cyclops - why? I love dinosaurs. I went to school for paleobiology, worked in that field for a few years, then my artwork took over and I moved in that direction. I decided to make Dinos last year, and started doodling, and ended up drawing these cyclops Dinos a bunch of times. I like monsters too, and I wasn't interested in just making normal old Dinos, and so, cyclops Dinos made sense to me! Really not more to it than a creative move. I worked on the sculpts for 3+ months - along side painting and another sculpt. -more Dinos? Yep - that's the general plan - next year With regards to 'skill development' and people liking these or hating these (or wherever they stand): Have a gander at my flickr. I don't just throw stuff together, and I work on A LOT of projects - from flat art to Sofubi to sculpting. The style on these Dinos is intentional - aiming for the 'rubber suit' look of my favorite old Kaiju. I don't much like Bemon and the likes, so I can't appreciate the parallel being drawn really. I have no expectation of 'pleasing everyone' - that's just not possible. That'll do for now - updates to follow - thanks guys
Re: Dinosaurs -test pulls! I must agree with what was said, they seem forced and crude, sorry..... having said that, I wish you the best of luck with 'em....
Re: Dinosaurs -test pulls! As I said, I'd been told dude was a good guy so was being 'diplomatic' . . . gut reaction is something my son might have brought home from kindergarden when he was 5 and earned a 'good job fella' and a place on the mantlepiece, not something worth investing time, money and effort in to be mass produced in vinyl!
Re: Dinosaurs -test pulls! Well I love them and the fact that they're cyclops and minis! But what do I know since this is my first post after lurking my eye out. But I would have loved some open jaws for some biting action cause I doubt that the T-rex could poke any eyes out with those tiny arms.
Re: Dinosaurs -test pulls! Sorry Mike you have to have over 100 posts before you can like something.... JUST KIDDING Welcome to the boards