Deep-sea oddity, or real-life kaiju - you decide. I will just posit this however: OKay, in all truth, this is an actual creature, what is known as long-nosed chimaera, but pretty damn cool, and creepy looking, if you ask me. Barely seems like anything "Earth-like" in resemblance, but then, there are some odd creatures in the depths. This was caught in waters off Nunavut (northern Canada) and I am sure gave those fishers something to remember.
read about it earlier. Love the way if flies in the water, there is just so much of our own planet we still don't understand or even know about.
...amazing share! Many thanks. Ahhh fish with knives/noses... The biggest one i knew about prior to this was the Sail Fish:
Top post reminded me of the Goblin Shark. Check out this video - the amazing part is around 0:20 :
Exactly, I thought it was a goblin shark until I checked out the article. Its not enough that there was one terrifying fish that looked that way swimming around out there, now there are two!
High cuteness factor warning! (sorry for the ad, but after that, the cuteness appears ) I'd like one or two for Christmas please...