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Re: What does your display case look like?

Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:36 pm

Yes, I did see the Fabrikor case, and it's definitely sturdy, with nice sealed sides. What i didn't like is that the base flares out and is pretty bulk (esp. with the cross-bracing). I know it's to make the case stable and strong, but it takes up too much space as a floor foot print, and being the neat nut that I am, it will probably annoy me to get the vacuum cleaner caught up in the x-bracing.

My first choice was actually the Stockholm case

It's an expensive $429, but I figured it would be my only display case. It's large and very sturdy, but... the latching system on the front door is magnetic, so nosey cat paws can very easily claw it open, and cat vs. toy wrestling mayhem would probably follow (H & E are really nosey cats, compared to Mr. Humphreys who liked to nap, follow you around, cuddle, and nap some more--too dignified to be nosey :wink: ), so I had to pass on it. I sorta regret not buying the Super 7 vintage metal cases when they were up for grabs, they were really nice.

Right now, it's still going to be the Nornas, because I can hang them out of reach (hopefully) of the cats. We're suppose to rent a truck and get them next week :)

Re: What does your display case look like?

Sun Oct 11, 2015 2:15 pm

Martin is a fantastic guy creating absolutely enjoyable works. As I know I've seen him around these parts before, here's a 'wave' and a "Hello, Martin!"

I love that painting that you scored; I hadn't realized that the original was still up for sale. Congratulations on landing it!
A print of Kaiju Zoo hangs here in my home office - it was actually my first print of his that I added to my walls, closely followed by enough additional prints of his that I've lost count. I've also been fortunate enough to also add a handful of his originals to my walls over the past couple of years.

I found out just yesterday that he has a new show opening in early 2016 (Feb 12, I believe it was), so I've already set aside funding for another round of purchases.

Anyway, my apologies for the brief derail, but I can't let a spotting of Martin's work go without commenting on just how much I like the fellow and his paintings.
They've brought an immeasurable amount of enjoyment to me.

Mr. Humphreys wrote:Thank you D :P . Um... I should add that the unpacking is going to be on the turtle slow side (lots of vintage toys to wash :) ). Yes, I will take photos. Also, I finally got my greedy paws on a Martin Harris original water color--Kaiju Zoo!
*this is Martin's photo of his painting

The painting arrived last week, but I am traveling away from home, so I haven't unwrapped it yet. Thank you Martin! :D :D :D Really excited! It's going to be wonderful, hanging on the wall with the toys :D

P.S. Thank you for mentioning the plywood and long screws option--makes total sense!

Re: What does your display case look like?

Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:22 pm

Hey I was searching for a post on the IKEA Detolfs and found this great thread.

I have a Detolf that houses most of my vinyl toys but before I bought that
I only had these cases and boxes displaying my Microman and Micronauts, and Henshin Cyborg, etc.

I've been consumed with moving and really haven't had much time to think about toys for most of this year.
Packing up and moving EVERYTHING gave me a chance to reconnect with my collection.
Here is the "Tetris" style display that I have going on so far.
The black case has sliding glass doors and used to be my Dad's knife display.
He never bought us any Star Wars toys and I can't thank him enough for that.

Image20151206_230150r by dave_zav, on Flickr

Re: What does your display case look like?

Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:16 pm

After moving into my new place I'm now able to elevate my detolf off the floor
and it's made it much easier to access and enjoy my collection.
Has anyone found a cheap furniture turntable or "lazy susan" that is strong enough to use with a detolf?

Image Image

Re: What does your display case look like?

Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:26 pm

If you don't mind open shelves, this shelving unit from IKEA is only $10.00 more than a DETOLF @ $80.00 and can hold more than twice as many toys. The middle 3 shelves are glass; the top & bottom shelves are a nice quality particle board with a solid finish. The frame is made of metal and comes in black-brown (I have one of these and it looks more like a warm, dark gray) or white. They also make smaller shelves in the same aesthetic that are pretty much half the width of the larger model.

Link to VITTSJÖ shelving unit HERE.


Re: What does your display case look like?

Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:43 pm

I recently saw the Fabrikors in person and tried all I could to make them ship it to Mexico for me, couldn't do it. Didn't have a lot of time either but totally fell in love with them!!
akum6n wrote:I don't think these have gained a lot of traction, but I really like the FABRIKÖR case that I bought a couple years ago:

Also, Dennis' displays still blow my mind.

Here's a the only display case I have.

Re: What does your display case look like?

Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:30 am

^^ Love it. I always enjoy pics of mixed collections!

The bug-boy down the front is cool :)
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