Painters: spray booth advice needed
In March I bought a used Paasche tabletop spray booth on evilBay; I did not get a chance to set it up and use it until just last weekend.
From the seller’s description:
go here to see your item sold retail: airbrushmaterials(dot)com/Paasche/Paasche-Hobby-Paint-Spray-Booth-211
-6" Exhaust fan which plugs into a standard house outlet
-2" dryer hose connector/adapter AND the accordion exhaust hose included SEE PHOTO
-Approximately 540 CFM(cubic feet per minute) - this is plenty to airbrush all day and keep ur place paint vapor free...
-1 flexible plastic removable mesh filter cover and (2) rectangular carbon-fiberglass filtersI set it all up right and well-vented, plugged it in, put my mask on, and began the work I had to do, basecoating and sealing some pieces. CLOUDS of paint came back at me from out of the booth, the suction was totally insufficient. I took out the filters and examined them (seller claimed the booth had been used only once), and they were really fine- not at all occluded or shot. I left the filters out for a minute and plugged it in again, to see how the fan would do- sprayed, with the same result.
I’m really disappointed, and I’m out $165 (seller is not responding to my emails
, and it’s now past 45 days, so I can’t file a dispute). Any input would be appreciated; does anyone here use this model, and if so, how well does it work for you? I would note that I was using MK out of spray cans to do this work, but I wouldn’t think that would be much of a factor; I wouldn’t think the volume a can puts out would be much different than that of a brush used broadly to spray basecoat, etc. I called Paasche to get their take on it, and the guy I spoke to said that he didn’t think this unit was sufficient for my application. He didn’t seem to think there was a problem w/ the fan’s function, though he did let me know I could purchase a replacement for $46. Obviously, I’m reluctant to do that, if there’s a good chance it’ll just be the same…
Thanks in advance, guys!