Re: Play.Create.Collect - The Art Of Toys: A Left Coast Retr
I've been out to that church a couple times too! It's always cool to visit local film locations.
Thank you so much for posting a thread for this show! I wasn't sure if I should create one since a lot of the pieces at the show weren't Skullbrain "approved" items. As one of the few (I'm guessing) High Desert Skullbrainers, I was thrilled and surprised to see anything toy-related here in the boonies! I stopped by on Saturday, the first day of good rain in months here.
Here are a few crappy cell phone shots of the Sofubi Circle section (sorry I didn't get a full shot of it) and a couple of the bigger items on display:
It was tough to get full photos of the paintings due to their locations and size. The Mazinger Z painting took up a huge two story tall wall! My picture barely shows half of it. I was happy to get a chance to see toys like a Fink Shit and Cococroc in person. As a fairly new collector I missed out on those when they were being released. Also cool to see some info on the history of Skullbrain accompanying the Sofubi section.
There were some Super7 toys available in the gift shop and a few other Japanese vinyl items. I picked up this mini Alien Argus and a cool small Bwana Spoons print:
Thanks to everyone involved in bringing this show up to Lancaster! I hope to see more local events like this in the future. I plan to go back to the museum next month - I'll try to get some better pictures if no others show up on here in the meantime.