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Who owns the Bullmark copyright now?

Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:08 am

I have a question about Bullmark.

Who now owns the right to release Bullmark figures and use the Bullmark copyright now? I know Bandai releases B-Club reissue figures, M1 releases some reissue figures, and I think Yamanaya does also. But I also know that M1 has released some new sculpts with the Bullmark stamp on the figure.

Do these 3 companies pay someone to use the Bullmark name, or do one of them own it?

And for your viewing pleasure, a Yamanaya Bullmark reissue Kanegon:


Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:08 am

I have no idea, but what I do know is that a gold-grilled Kanegon is a beautiful thing.

Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:58 pm

I believe that in order for a company to use the Bullmark name and logo, and to reissue a Bullmark product, you must go through a company called Marukoshi, which is run by Saburo Ishizuki, one of the original founders of Marusan and Bullmark.

There's more about Marukoshi here:
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