There will be some planned downtime starting Wednesday, June 15th at 9am EDT. The board will be closed for approximately 12 to 24 hours while we work on migrating to a new forum software. For more information on the move, check out the Board Change Announcements thread.
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I’m new to this board, what should I know?

Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:26 pm

I’m new so this board, what should I know?

First and foremost, welcome to our little corner of cyber space. Before you move in though, you should get a lay of the land, check it out, read up a bit and get familiar with the style of conversation here. People here tend to be passionate about their toys, so certain topics or misplaced words can cause quite a reaction. You should read the FAQ’s, especially the rules and unwritten rules, as that will save us both a lot of time and heartache.
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