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Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:17 pm

A question in regards to "the distribution network" and how it affects on-line stock. I think Glenn answered it with this:
Pogue wrote:The rare items are now split between more stores but the number that goes up online will be about the same. We just have less for in store purchases. The SF crew is going to have to start lining up again!

I know people (especially internationals) have been worried about how it will affect their chances at scoring stuff on-line, thinking that there would be less stock on S7's website if it's getting spread amongst several stores.
Am I reading Glenn's post correctly - that approximately the same number of a given figure will go up on the S7 website that would have gone up prior to the creation of "the network"? And that "the network" only affects in-store (as opposed to on-line) stock - basically spreading S7's in-store stock among the entire network?

Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:26 pm

That is how it is working. There should also be a little less online competition since people in are going to the distro shops to get the figures too.

Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:48 pm

That's great - I think this will clear up the fears that were initially raised.
Thanks, Glenn!
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